Rubidium-82 - Wikipedia
Rubidium-82 (82 Rb) is a radioactive isotope of rubidium. 82 Rb is widely used in myocardial perfusion imaging. This isotope undergoes rapid uptake by myocardiocytes, which makes it a valuable tool for identifying myocardial ischemia in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging.
Rubidium rb 82 (intravenous route) - Mayo Clinic
2025年2月1日 · Rubidium Rb 82 injection is used in adults to help diagnose heart disease. It is used in a procedure called a positron emission tomography (PET) scan to help your doctor see an image of your heart. This medicine shows how much blood is getting to your heart muscle when you are resting or exercising (stressed).
Rubidium rb 82 Advanced Patient Information - Drugs.com
2024年5月15日 · Rubidium Rb 82 injection is used in adults to help diagnose heart disease. It is used in a procedure called a positron emission tomography (PET) scan to help your doctor see an image of your heart. This medicine shows how much blood is getting to your heart muscle when you are resting or exercising (stressed).
Story of Rubidium-82 and Advantages for Myocardial Perfusion ...
By comparison with 99m Tc-SPECT, 82 Rb PET had a much better diagnostic accuracy, especially in obese patients with body mass index ≥30 kg/m 2 (85 versus 67% with SPECT) and in women with large breasts. A great advantage of …
Rubidium 82 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Rubidium-82-Chloride. 82 Rb is a short-lived radionuclide, with a half-life of only 76 seconds, and is a potassium analog. It enters the myocardium by passive diffusion and active transport, via the adenosine triphosphate–dependent sodium–potassium cotransporter.
Cardiogen-82 (rubidium Rb 82 generator) - MedicineNet
Rubidium Rb 82 chloride injection is indicated for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging of the myocardium under rest or pharmacologic stress conditions to evaluate regional myocardial perfusion in adult patients with suspected or existing coronary artery disease.
Rubidium-82 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Properties and data of the isotope 82 Rb. See also: list of Rubidium isotopes. Half-life T ½ = 1.2575 (2) min (minutes) respectively 7.545 × 101 seconds s. Direct parent isotope is: 82 Sr. Nuclear isomers or excited states with the activation energy in keV related to the ground state.
RUBY-FILL® (Rubidium Rb 82 Generator) and Elution System
Rubidium Rb 82 chloride injection is a radioactive diagnostic agent indicated for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging of the myocardium under rest or pharmacologic stress conditions to evaluate regional myocardial perfusion in adult patients with suspected or existing coronary artery disease. Safety and Efficiency. Safety