Ramesh Srinivasan
Ramesh Srinivasan studies the relationship between technology, politics and societies across the world. Ramesh Srinivasan is a scholar, author, and thought leader who explores the intersection of technology, innovation, politics, business, and society.
Beyond the Valley — Ramesh Srinivasan
In search of a more democratic internet, Srinivasan takes us to the mountains of Oaxaca, East and West Africa, China, Scandinavia, North America, and elsewhere, visiting the "design labs" of rural, low-income, and indigenous people around the world.
Podcast — Ramesh Srinivasan
Hosted by tech author, scholar, and thought leader, UCLA professor Ramesh Srinivasan, the Utopias podcast presents a new narrative, a vision of life futures based on a set of conversations that celebrate the work and perspectives of “dreamers”, or those who represent and care deeply for the endless potential for human creativity, expression ...
Whose Global Village — Ramesh Srinivasan
2025年1月7日 · Whose Global Village? -Ramesh Srinivasan. In the digital age, technology has shrunk the physical world into a “global village,” where we all seem to be connected as an online community as information travels to the farthest reaches of the planet with the click of a mouse.
Articles — Ramesh Srinivasan
2025年1月7日 · Generative AI in Creative Industries: The Next Big Thing in U.S. Media and Entertainment - Ramesh Srinivasan and Apoorv Gupta [AI Digest Future]
Speaking — Ramesh Srinivasan
Ramesh Srinivasan speaks about the intersection of technology, innovation, politics, business, and society. He blends his skills as a leading academic, author, engineer, social scientist, storyteller, policy adviser, and thought leader to shine a light on how technology and innovation, from all quarters and countries, will make a balanced world ...
Media — Ramesh Srinivasan
Al Jazeera interview with Ramesh Srinivasan: Exploring Google's Role in AI and Military Ethics
On Social Media, Activism and Revolution - Ramesh Srinivasan
2017年8月23日 · Cenk Uygur interviews UCLA Information Studies Professor Ramesh Srinivasan (@rameshmedia) on his research into the complex nature of social media in revolutions and riots, as well as his recent experiences on the ground in Egypt speaking with activists.
Contact — Ramesh Srinivasan
Dr. Ramesh Srinivasan - Author, Scholar, Thought Leader 2028 Moore Hall | 457 Portola Plaza | Los Angeles, CA 90095
Ramesh Srinivasan: "Whose Global Village? Rethinking How …
2018年7月27日 · Ramesh Srinivasan studies the relationship between technology, politics and societies across the world. He has been a faculty member at UCLA since 2005 in the Information Studies and Design|Media Arts departments.