Rajka - Wikipedia
Rajka (German: Ragendorf, Slovak: Rajka, Croatian: Rakindrof [3]) is a village in Győr-Moson-Sopron County, Hungary. The village has large Slovak and German minorities.
Dr Rajka - Functional Medicine Doctor - Oakbrook Terrace IL ...
Transform your energy levels with Dr. Rajka Milanovic Galbraith, Functional MD. Discover the 3-D energy protocol to combat fatigue, optimize health, and reclaim your vitality. Learn from a leading expert in functional medicine and autoimmune health in Oakbrook Terrace IL, 60181.
Rajka – Wikipédia
Rajka (németül: Ragendorf, horvátul: Rakindrof [4]) község Győr-Moson-Sopron vármegye Mosonmagyaróvári járásában. Északról Szlovákia, nyugatról Ausztria határolja.
Rajka, Hungary: All You Must Know Before You Go (2025 ...
Rajka Tourism: Tripadvisor has 40 reviews of Rajka Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Rajka resource.
Rajka (Maďarsko) – Wikipédia
Rajka (nem. Ragendorf, chorv. Rakindrof) je obec v Maďarsku, v bezprostrednej blízkosti Bratislavy, asi 2 kilometre od mestskej časti Čunovo, 5 kilometrov od mestskej časti Rusovce, 2,5 kilometra od dedinky Bezenye a 4 kilometre od rakúskej obce Deutsch Jahrndorf.
Rajka (Ragendorf) - Best of Ungarn
Rajka (deutsch Ragendorf) ist eine ungarische Gemeinde im Kreis Mosonmagyaróvár im Komitat Gyor-Moson-Sopron. Geografische Lage: Rajka liegt 47 Kilometer nordwestlich des Komitatssitzes Győr und 15 Kilometer nordwestlich der Kreisstadt Mosonmagyaróvár an der Grenze zur Slowakei und zu Österreich.
Rajka (apple) - Wikipedia
Rajka is a hybrid cultivar of domesticated apple from Czechia, specifically for eating. It was crossed and developed by the Institute of Experimental Botany from the Champion and Katka apples for scab resistance and is possible to grow according to organic standards.