Red Lake Watershed District
Learn about the watershed you live in by clicking here and exploring the pages that were developed for each major subwatershed located within the RLWD. Each link will take you to a comprehensive compilation of information about each subwatershed including reports and photos.
Red Lake Watershed District
The Red Lake Watershed District (RLWD) is a special purpose unit of local government, the boundaries of which follow those of a natural watershed and a land area in which all water flows to one outlet.
RLWD Contacts - Red Lake Watershed
RLWD Contacts Office Location: Red Lake Watershed District 1000 Pennington Avenue South Thief River Falls, MN 56701. Phone: 218-681-5800 Fax: 218-681-5839 Email: [email protected] RLWD Board of Managers
RLWD storage/retention projects - Red Lake Watershed District
RLWD ditch/drainage projects The Red Lake Watershed District maintains over twenty drainage ditch systems that have either been built under District authority or otherwise aqcuired from other governmental jurisdictions.
RLWD What is a Watershed District • Local Unit of Government – Based on watershed of a body of water, doesn’t follow political boundaries – RLWD covers significant portions of 6 counties and parts of 4 others • Main counties: Polk, Red Lake, Pennington, Marshall, Beltrami, Clearwater • Mahnomen, Roseau, Koochiching, and Itasca
The RLWD is a partner in over 23 different water retention facilities of varying size and purpose. These projects have significant cumulative NRE values associated with land use that is inherent with water management facilities.
RLWD Project 13 R e d L a ke River D i c k ' s P a r k w a y N o r t h P o o l S o u t h P o o l m p o u n d m e n t D i k e Impoundment Dike Outlet Channels Roads D r ain g eA R 38W R 37W R 36W T 1 5 7 N T r 1 5 8 N T 1 5 6 N Nor th Ou le Structure So u th O le S t ruc e R edL ak W t rsh R e d L a k e W a t e r s h e d T h i e f R i v e Moose R.
Red Lake Watershed District
The Euclid East impoundment project (RLWD Project 60C) is located in Section 24 of Euclid Township and Section 19 of Belgium Township, in Polk County, about 12 miles north of Crookston. Construction began in June of 2006, and was …
Red Lake Watershed District
RLWD History. The Red Lake Watershed District is located in northwestern Minnesota in all of Red Lake County, most of Pennington County, and parts of the following counties: Mahnomen, Polk, Itasca, Marshall, Clearwater, Beltrami, Roseau, and Koochiching. It …
Table of Contents . List of Tables