RGB32 <-> YUV420 - Intel Community
Dec 15, 2006 · Hi, I need to convert RGB32 to YUV420 and vica-versa. What would be the correct sequence of function calls? I have found a way to convert RGB32 to YCbCr420 using ippiBGRToYCbCr420_8u_AC4P3R , then, in the decoder, YCbCr420 to RGB24 using ippiYCbCr420ToBGR_8u_P3C3R. But, how to convert RGB24 to RGB32...
output RGB32 frame is corrupted using HW decoder and VPP
Oct 12, 2015 · I am decoding a input h264 stream and doing the video post processing for converting the YUV frame into RGB32. When I configure decoder to use SW decoding then it is providing proper RGB frames, but when I configure decoder to use HW decoding and d3d memory type, then all my output RGB frames are corrupted.
Easiest way to use VPP based RGB32 to NV12 conversion
Jan 9, 2014 · i need to encode RGB32 frames to H264 using Quick Sync, and my choice of API was Media Foundation, since I had that already with Microsoft's H264 encoder and wanted to switch to Quick Sync. So far I've been using Microsoft's Color Converter DSP before the actual H264 encoding but at least from what I read VPP should improve performance.
M-Jpeg to RGB24/RGB32 - Intel Community
Aug 12, 2011 · Hi, Are there any examples in IPP that shows on how to decode M-Jpeg frames to RGB24/RGB32 frames? Please let me know the link where I can find the examples. Thanks,
Solved: NV12 To RGB conversion - Intel Community
Oct 4, 2009 · Hi, I couldn't find an NV12 to RGB24/RGB32 color conversion primitive in the doc. Is there such support? If not, is it planed in a future update? Thanks, Emmanuel
Solved: MFX: Unsupported extension: - Intel Community
Apr 28, 2020 · Same issue here, I have followed Max L. (Intel)'s advice to installed FFmpeg, when I try to create an avi file of fourcc MJPG, it will complain unsupported Fourcc
RGB32->NV12 conversion issue using video memory on Microsoft …
Jan 8, 2016 · Hi, I build a custom app, containing VPP+Encoder pipeline for converting RGB32 frames into NV12 first and then encoding these NV12 frames into h264. I developed this app using media SDK and sample version I am running this custom app on a Microsoft surface Pro 3 device which has ...
decoder h264 to RGB32? - Intel Community
Process: network stream H264->decode->vpp(nv12 to rgb32) problem:vpp init failed(rgb32) code: mfxVideoParams.mfx.CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AVC //
Green RGB32 output from H.264 decoder - Intel Community
Feb 2, 2010 · No reader, no splitter. Since splitter normally extracts all necessary H264VideoDecoder initialization information [width, height, color_format, etc.], it is necessary for this console application to extract that information directly from the MPEG-4 file. This application generates pure green RGB32 bitmaps from the H264VideoDecoder.
H264 RGB32 VPP not support? - Intel Community
Dec 20, 2013 · The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to …