standards - What are RFC's? - Stack Overflow
Jul 9, 2014 · Wikipedia gives a good description of what [RFC] is about but in a nutshell it is a set of recommendation from the Internet Engineering Task Force applicable to the working of the Internet and Internet-connected systems. They are used as the standards.
¿Cómo validar un RFC de México y su digito verificador?
Nov 5, 2016 · Pregunta: ¿Cómo puedo verificar que el formato de un RFC mexicano sea válido? ¿Qué es el RFC? El Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC) es una clave única que requiere toda persona física o moral en México para realizar cualquier actividad económica lícita. Es el código tributario de personas y empresas expedido por el SAT.
What's the difference between ISO 8601 and RFC 3339 Date …
Feb 6, 2009 · ISO 8601 and RFC 3339 seem to be two formats that are common the web. Should I use one over the other? Is one just an extension? Do I really need to care that bad?
What is the RFC 822 format for the email addresses?
Oct 7, 2021 · According to RFC 822, the local part may contain any ASCII character, since local-part is defined using word, which is defined as atom / quoted-string; atom covers most ASCII characters, and the rest can be written in a quoted-string. There are syntactic restrictions, but obeying them, any ASCII character can be used. On similar grounds, RFC 822 allows any …
What is the editor used for writing RFC text files?
Dec 2, 2009 · I am just wondering how much effort is required to write a text file like that with page numbers, table of contents, headers, footers etc. Is there any editor or some thing like TeX that is used for writing the RFC documents?
How to write and propose an RFC? - Stack Overflow
Jan 4, 2020 · How to write and propose an RFC to address the issue? Please kindly share if you had experience of previously writing technical documents, proposals, especially RFCs.
What does it mean to have "RFC-compliant" code? - Stack Overflow
Apr 8, 2020 · I have heard the term RFC-compliant code in this talk at minute 1:00. What exactly does it mean?
The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986
May 11, 2022 · Note: further occurrences of HTTP header parsing errors will be logged at DEBUG level. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986 at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11InputBuffer.parseRequestLine(Http11InputBuffer.java:484)
RFC 1123 Date Representation in Python? - Stack Overflow
Nov 6, 1994 · Is there a fairly easy way to convert a datetime object into an RFC 1123 (HTTP/1.1) date/time string, i.e. a string with the format Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT Using strftime does not work, sin...
How to write a good RFC standard and where to get started?
Sep 2, 2009 · I was wondering what it requires to write a standard which targets programmers (e.g. JSON) and where to get started? Does anyone has hands-on experience on that?