RCVS: Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome - Reddit
One very interesting part of RCVS is that the average length of time the side-effects last is three months. My symptoms stopped after exactly three months. It has now been over a year and a half since my last episode. I still have a slightly weak left-side and some minor shaking. This is called a deficit and seems to be common after an RCVS ...
My experience with RCVS: Sharing to stimulate conversation and
Feb 12, 2024 · Hi, I (35m) am on medical leave since 6 months as of now. I have been diagnosed a RCVS linked to the use of antidepressants, which I had been using for 6 years. Rx : Citalopram (10mg daily, increased to 30mg) for 2 years, then Effexor 150mg for 4 years. I disregarded the firsts few thunderclap headache, which happened during sex, more than 1 ...
How long did it take you to “heal” from RCVS? : r/RCVS - Reddit
May 20, 2024 · On the 3rd ER visit I was finally admitted and got every test in the book thrown at me… the docs just couldn’t find out what was wrong. Eventually they settled on RCVS as at this point I had severe narrowing of my arteries and evidence of brain bleeds (pointing to mini strokes from the arteries being constricted).
What triggered your RCVS? : r/RCVS - Reddit
Jun 30, 2023 · OHMYGOSHNESS me!! Husband and I were having sex (3rd Dec). Instead of an orgasm, I got a brain fkn bleed. Another 2 days later. And another the 3rd day. Rushed to hospital with BP 243/145. 3 CTs over 4 days, an MRI, an Angiogram, and 5 days in hospital before the Neurosurgeons passed me to the Stroke Team, and a Diagnosis of RCVS.
RCVS Statutory Membership Exam : r/AskVet - Reddit
Oct 26, 2022 · RCVS Statutory Membership Exam Hello, I am a vet from Bangladesh and working as a locum Veterinary Care Assistant in the UK. I am currently preparing myself for the RCVS Statutory Membership Exam.
Should I be concerned? : r/RCVS - Reddit
Jun 9, 2024 · There is in my experience a distinct throbbing/tightening at the base of the skull with headaches due to the constricting veins from rcvs. I don’t know of any correlations with marijuana usage. If you experience the symptoms again I recommend seeing a healthcare professional. For rcvs you’ll need a neurologist and scans to diagnose.
Recently I was diagnosed with RCVS syndrome doctors say it’s
Apr 11, 2023 · Yeah, cannabis may have been the underlying cause for my RCVS. I was starting to get mild headaches when I smoked about a month before the thunderclaps began. Weed is a vasodilator...so anything that falls.in that category can exacerbate RCVS...get you some verapimil and behave for a a bit on triggers and you may not ever have it happen again.
Has anyone here done the RCVS exam? : r/veterinaryprofession
Jan 30, 2021 · Looking online there doesn't seem to be much information aside from the RCVS charging even more for exam prep material (lol) but I'd like to get an idea of how much preparation is needed for the exam before investing money in it as if it's very intensive I'm not sure how feasible it would be to prepare for while working full time.
RCVS statutory membership examination 2024 : r/Veterinary - Reddit
Jun 14, 2023 · I’ve seen posts on Facebook in some UK Vet Job groups regarding study buddies for the RCVS exam, as well as clinics that have experience mentoring vets through the process. Would be quite difficult to share full uni courses, which might be protected as intellectual property, but the website Vetlexicom is super helpful for studying disease ...
Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome - Goodbye trees
Mar 5, 2019 · Last week I went to the ER then spent three days in the hospital because of something called RCVS (Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome). It started as the worst headache of my life (I gave it 8/10 on the pain scale) that went from nothing to …