R2-Y9 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R2-Y9[3] was an astromech droid that served in Shadow Squadron in the early stages of the Clone Wars. [2] . It had and orange and white body with an orange and gray dome. [4] Explore all of Wookieepedia's images for this article subject.
Meet The Droids: R7-F5 - Entertainment Earth
R7-F5 is a distinctive astromech with orange coloring and a stern loyalty to Shadow Squadron. R7-F5 is ideal for Y-Wing Fighters. Y-Wings aren’t quite as agile as the X-Wing, or as fast as the A-Wing, but the bulky fighters are well armored and can carry a heavy load of weaponry.
入门拍鸟,选佳能r7+rf100400还是索尼6700+70350G? - 知乎
从防抖性能来看,显然佳能r7更胜一筹,另外你选的这个rf100-400镜头焦段也更长一点,而且佳能半画幅微单等效全画幅转换系数是1.6倍,同样的焦段,实际上比索尼和尼康焦段更长一点,这主要是因为佳能的半画幅微单传感器比索尼和尼康半画幅传感器面积更小 ...
2023年,入门打鸟、风光摄影佳能R6、R7,全画幅、M43和APSC …
EOS R6特点是高感光度效果特别好,所以拍摄山谷里、树荫里的林鸟效果更好。 如果有商业用途,EOS R6的像素需要落实够不够用。 EOS R7是APS-C画幅的旗舰机,连拍对焦都好,但是拍光天化日之下的涉禽,海鸥等等比较好。
可能是最能打的万元微单 佳能EOS R7试拍体验 - 知乎
EOS R7发布于2022年5月24日,是佳能首批 APS-C画幅 专微相机。 它不仅拥有目前APS-C画幅最高的约3250万有效像素,同时具备5轴8级机身防抖、被摄体识别AF、30FPS高速连拍、4K60p视频录制等先进特性。 官方定价单机身8999元,包含 RF-S18-150mm F3.5-6.3 IS STM 镜头套机11399元,已于近期正式开卖。 佳能EOS R7和RF18-150mm F3.5-6.3 IS STM镜头. 主要参数. APS-C画幅约3250万像素CMOS. 5轴最高8级机身防抖. DIGIC X数字影像处理器. 标准感 …
R7-F5 Entertainment Earth 6-Pack The Black Series 3.75"
Astromech Droid R7-F5 was released in an Entertainment Earth exclusive 6-pack in October 2016; The entire set included astromech droids of R7-F5, QT-KT, Jabba's Bartender, R7-D4, R2-C2 and R2-A5; All the astromech droid molds used for this set are identical, Hasbro used this particular sculpt first for The Vintage Collection R2-D2 #25
The Black Series 3.75" - Galactic Figures
Hasbro released five Star Wars action figures in the 3.75" Black Series line to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars: A New Hope and four figures based on Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
拍鸟不必负重——佳能EOS R7与RF便携镜头使用感受
Jun 14, 2023 · 佳能专微系统紧凑轻巧的设计大大降低了机身/镜身自重,佳能EOS R7单机身约530克,包含电池和一张储存卡的重量约为612克;RF100–400mm F5.6-8 IS USM不含遮光罩的重量约635克;RF800mm F11 IS STM不含遮光罩的重量约1260克,三件装备总重仅与一支EF300mm F2.8L IS II USM(约2350克)近似。 铜蓝鹟 (Eumyias thalassinus)雌鸟,虽然体色没有雄鸟那样惊艳,雌性铜蓝鹟的体色在鹟类中也足够出众。 EOS R7+RF100–400mm F5.6-8 …
R7-F5 Astromech droid 3.75 black series - eBay
R7 F5 Loose from the Entertainment Earth Astromech Pack.
佳能 EOS R7 配镜攻略:探索无尽的创意可能 - IT之家
Jul 10, 2024 · 佳能 EOS R7 拥有 3250 万有效像素的 CMOS 传感器,配合 RF35mm f / 1.8 Macro IS STM 镜头,可以实现非常优秀的光学性能,尤其是在 RF35mm f / 1.8 Macro IS STM 最大光圈 f / 1.8 时,中心锐度表现优异,边缘画质也相当不错。