R4-I9 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R4-I9 was an R4 astromech droid [1] with masculine programming, [2] dark blue panelling and a black sensor who served the Galactic Empire. The Resistance droid R0-GR wrote about R4-I9 and his fellow Imperial R-series droid R2-Q5 in his Droidography, where he claimed that based on the color of the...
Bandai 1/12 Star Wars: R4I9 Droid Kit - Gundam World Online
R4-I9 is making its appearance to the Star Wars 1/12 character model kit collection! A new series called the “Droid Collection” will feature each droid with a specific “droid accessory” compatible with the R2-D2 kit (BAS5055339).
R4-I9 Imperial Forces 6-Pack Star Wars SAGA Series - Galactic …
The powerful and ruthless Empire seeks to crush the Rebellion that is gathering strength in the galaxy. Imperial forces attack the heroic rebels with their military forces and through other, more subtle, means. They all contribute, in ways large and small, to the Empire's evil oppression of a galaxy that longs for freedom and lasting peace.
R4-I9 A New Hope The 30th Anniversary Collection - Galactic …
R4-I9 is one of the many R4 droids used on the Death Star as economical and reliable droids that are capable of performing multiple services and repairs aboard the massive battle station.
R4-I9 is making its appearance to the Star Wars 1/12 character model kit collection! A new series called the "Droid Collection" will feature each droid with a specific "droid accessory" compatible with the R2-D2 kit. This set comes with a waiter tool set equipment for R2-D2.
1/12 R4-I9 - バンダイ ホビーサイト
コレクションの各ドロイドには、最高のR2-D2を作るため様々なシーンを再現する「ドロイドアクセサリー」が付属。 R4-I9にはR2-D2用給仕用器具が付属! ※ご購入いただいた方を対象としたアンケートです。 表示価格は、メーカー希望小売価格 (税10%込)、もしくは、プレミアムバンダイ販売価格 (税10%込)です。 ※商品の写真・イラストは実際の商品と一部異なる場合がございますのでご了承ください。 ※発売から時間の経過している商品は生産・販売が終了してい …
R4-I9 - Galactic Figures
Here is a list of R4-I9 action figures in our system. Thank you for using GalacticFigures.com - your fan site for Star Wars action figures since 2004 with over 5,000 different figures archived! Sort Figures By Various Categories Such As Movies, Movie Scenes, Species, Toylines, Droids, Jedi, Sith, Pilots, Characters, Bounty Hunters Etc...
R4-I9, Bandai Spirits 5055364 (2018) - Scalemates
Bandai Spirits model kit in scale 1:12, 5055364 is a NEW tool released in 2018 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | R4-series Astromech Droid | EAN: 4573102553645
R4-I9 - TAC - Saga Legends - jeditemplearchives.com
R4-I9 and R4-D6 are two different characters, but they look identical to each other. R4-I9 is the R4 unit on the first Death Star and R4-D6 is the R4 unit in the Massassi Temple during the Battle of Yavin. One fights alongside the Rebel Alliance and one follows the call of the Galactic Empire.
R4-I9 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R4-I9 was an R4 astromech droid painted a dark blue. It was owned by the Galactic Empire. R4 patrolled the halls of the first Death Star during 0 BBY, where it performed maintenance tasks. An identical droid, R4-D6, can be seen in the Yavin hangar, in …