PSK31 - Wikipedia
PSK31 or "Phase Shift Keying, 31 Baud", also BPSK31 and QPSK31, is a popular computer-sound card-generated radioteletype mode, used primarily by amateur radio operators to conduct real-time keyboard-to-keyboard chat, most often using frequencies in the high frequency amateur radio bands . PSK31 is distinguished from other digital modes in that ...
Convolution code : QPSK31 (Rate=1/2, Constraint length=5, use of Viterbi decoder with soft decison) Interleaving : no Automatic Frequency Correction : about +/- 10 Hz depending on signal-to-noise ratio,
PSK31通常使用BPSK (二进制相移键控),或者称180度相移,有时也采用QPSK (四相移键控)来工作,在调制的过程中使用了余弦包络技术来有效限制PSK调制中HARD-KEYING效应导致的谐波带宽. PSK31使用两种绝然不同的字符编码来工作,一种是ASCII码,一种是所谓的弹性码,其详细的介绍可以参阅G3PLX的PSK31 FOR WINDOWS里的编码理论部分或者与BD4OS联系获取详细的技术文档. 按此可以侦听PSK31的BPSK声音信号样本。 按此可以侦听PSK31的QPSK声音信号样本。
PSK31 Spec - ARRL
PSK31 is a digital communications mode which is intended for live keyboard-to-keyboard conversations, similar to radioteletype. Its data rate is 31.25 bauds (about 50 word-per-minute), and its narrow bandwidth (approximately 60 Hz at -26 dB) reduces its susceptibility to noise. PSK31's ITU emission designator is 60H0J2B.
+Real good signal to noise ratio meaning not as much power is required. +Due to the small bandwidth you can fit many operators in a traditional sized SSB passband. +Good for contests with moderatly high scores.
BPSK31 et QPSK31 - Free
The BPSK31 and QPSK31 modes are designed to assure communications with Signal-to-Noise ratio down to 0.1 (-11.5 dB, for a PC at 166 MHz or more). The speed is 37 wpm in capital letters and 51 wpm in small letters. When we say PSK31, it …
PSK31 : PSK31 programs for ham radio PSK31 digital mode …
6 days ago · HamScope is a freeware windows multi-mode communications package for amateur radio that supports: PSK31 BPSK and QPSK RTTY ASCII MFSK16 PACKET CW. Support radio control interface for several ICOM, TenTec, Kenwood, and Yaesu transceivers. Compatible with DXbase LOGic 7 RYLogit TRX-Manager YPLOG. By KD5HIO Glen.
PSK31 Software
MixW ver. 2PSK31, RTTY, SSTV, MFSK, MT63 and other modes, Log, DXCluster, Rotor, CAT and whatever you dream in a single program. DigiPanDigiPan provides a panoramic display of the frequency spectrum in the form of an active dial scale extending the …
PSK31 | bpsk31.com
PSK31 is a digital communication mode for amateur radio. It is one of the most common and easy-to-use digital modes as a PSK31 station needs only to consist of an SSB transceiver, an antenna, and a soundcard equipped PC.
初探数字模式之PSK31 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
对比CW,PSK31这种模式没有什么学习门槛就可以上手操作。 其实数字模式传输的原理很简单,从发送端来看 - 电脑端编辑的文字编码成为数字信息,输出给电台,调制后输出音频信号到空中。 从接受端来看正好相反,接收到的音频信号解调成为数字信息给电脑解码,操作者就能看到发送端传输的内容了。 那么,以PSK31举例,玩PSK31我们需要以下几个基本的东西: 在电脑上面我们当然需要安装一个可以编解码PSK31的软件,免费的有很多,无论是mac或者windows软件 …