Home - Puyallup Tribal Health Authority
2209 East 32nd Street Tacoma, WA 98404. Phone: (253) 593-0232 Email: [email protected]
Welcome To Pinto Horse Association Of America!
The PtHA® has evolved through the years and now has three separate registries: the Color Registry, the Solid Registry, and the Long Ear Registry. All equines, no matter the size or breeding, can be registered in one of the three PtHA® Registries.
Pennsylvania Thoroughbred Horseman's Association
About the PTHA; Board Of Directors; Parx Hall of Fame; Horsemen’s Awards; PTHA Events and Updates
PtHA® Shows
Articles; Press Releases. MCIC Press Release; 2021 PtHA Long Ear Futurity Press Release; New Solid Registry; Equine Equipment Partnership; PtHA® Magazine
HOME | PTHA's Turning For Home, Inc
“Turning for Home was created for the horses of Parx to safely retire from racing. It is the first racetrack-based retirement program solely supported through the horsemen of Parx, with the support of the PTHA, racetrack management, the Pennsylvania Horse Breeders Association, and the Parx Jockey Colony.
Puyallup Tribal Member Services
All tribal members are required to register and update registration at least once each year. Any change of personal information requires another update to be filed at PTHA. Please refer to the PTHA Referred Services brochure for other guidelines. For a copy of the brochure, please call (253) 593-0232 or email: [email protected].
Contact Us - PTHA (Puyallup Tribal Health Authority)
2209 East 32nd Street Tacoma, WA 98404. Phone: (253) 593-0232 Email: [email protected]
PTHA Newsletter - Pennsylvania Thoroughbred Horseman's …
The PTHA Post is a full-color newsletter created and sponsored by the Pennsylvania Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association. Published monthly, the magazine-style newsletter is emailed to approximately 3,000 owners, trainers, and breeders, and includes informative articles on industry news, important legislative changes affecting the racing ...
GitHub - GeoscienceAustralia/ptha: Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard ...
ptha Codes for probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment. The folder ptha_access contains scripts/tutorials to access the 2018 Australian PTHA results - or typically subsets thereof, since the full analysis is several TB in size.
assess and provide community-based standards, good practices and guidelines for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis (PTHA and PTRA) provide a portfolio of PTHA and PTRA modeling tools A strong interaction will be maintained with the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) and the Global Volcano Model (GVM).