Is the new proposition 57 going to affect inmates with 85
Jan 2, 2017 · Prop 57 only applies to non-violent felonies. Given that your husband is serving at 85%, it sounds like he was convicted of a violent felony, so Prop 57 would not apply to his case.
Does anyone have knowledge regarding prop 57 enhancements in …
Nov 12, 2016 · If the inmates initial sentence is a non violent 273.5 and they have already served that time, but the enhancement is a 12022.7 (e) GBI enhancement which to my knowledge is considered violent does the inmate fall under prop 57 still? (A) For purposes of this section only, the full term for the primary offense means the longest term of imprisonment imposed by the …
Prop 57 - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
Apr 17, 2017 · Based on the new regulations of prop 57, it appears that once an offender completes a violent determined sentence and now serving a concurrent non violent sentence they would be eligible. Am I understanding it correctly? My husband is serving a 16 year sentence which consists of 1 violent charge 6 years and the remaining is non violent 10 years but all one …
Some attorneys say Prop 57 applies to inmates serving a non …
Apr 26, 2017 · Proposition 57, by its own words, applies only to inmates serving state prison sentences. State prison inmates serving a sentence for a violent felony are not eligible for consideration under proposition 57.
Did prop 57 deem armed robberies non-violent if they were …
Inmate currently in California State prison for crime committed in 2007: --4 yrs PC 422 Criminal Threats (Specific Count) --3 yrs PC 12022.5 (a) Enhancement tied to the Specific Count --5 yrs PC 667 (a) Enhancement for Prior Conviction (armed robbery) committed in 1995. Am wondering if the PC 667 (a) enhancement can be reduced down to 3 years if Prop 57 classified armed …
Does prop 57 apply to inmates in fire camp as well? His initial …
Jan 7, 2017 · Will prop 57 only focus on inmates in prison or fire camp inmates as well. Where can I find updated information on prop 57?
Does my husband qualify for prop. 57? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
Prop 57 provides non-violent offenders with parole hearings once they have served their base term. So, offenders with lengthy sentence enhancements now have a chance of getting out before they've served their entire time. Your husband was convicted of a violent crime. So, he doesn't qualify for Prop 57.
Does Prop 57 effect only state inmatates? What if a inmate is …
Jun 1, 2017 · Prop 57 applies to juvenile filings and state prison inmates insofar as early eligibility for parole and increased custody credits. If he is in county jail, he would not be released on parole, so I do not think Prop 57 would apply to him.
Inmates who qualify for prop 57 have no info on how or when …
Jan 15, 2017 · My husband qualifies for prop 57 he has paid more than half of his sentence already , but hasn't got any letter, or any info on how prop 57 will take effect.
Will prop 57 apply to inmates doing prison time in county?
May 3, 2017 · Proposition 57 applies only to state prison inmates. Some felony sentences are served in county jail, not state prison. There is no such thing as "county prison," but some lawyers and judges use this term, despite the confusion it causes.