California Proposition 25, Replace Cash Bail with Risk …
2020年11月3日 · Proposition 25 makes our communities safer by ensuring jail space is reserved for those who are actually dangerous and shouldn't be released, instead of the poor. MONEY BAIL IS COSTLY: Proposition 25 will save taxpayers tens of millions of dollars a year.
2020 California Proposition 25 - Wikipedia
Proposition 25, officially the Referendum to Overturn a 2018 Law That Replaced Money Bail System with A System Based on Public Safety Risk, is a California ballot proposition that appeared on the ballot for the general election on November 3, 2020. [1]
Proposition 25 Official Title and Summary - California
Limits detention of a person in jail before trial for most misdemeanors. Increased state and local costs possibly in the mid hundreds of millions of dollars annually for a new process for releasing people from jail prior to trial.
Proposition 25 Arguments and Rebuttals - California
Proposition 25 makes our communities safer by ensuring jail space is reserved for those who are actually dangerous and shouldn't be released, instead of the poor. MONEY BAIL IS COSTLY: Proposition 25 will save taxpayers tens of millions of dollars a year.
Understanding Proposition 25 - California Budget and Policy …
Enter Proposition 25 that will appear on the November 3, 2020 statewide ballot and asks California voters to decide whether a 2018 state law that effectively ends money bail should take effect.
Proposition 25 | Official Voter Information Guide | California ...
CON Prop. 25 was written by Sacramento politicians to take away every Californian’s option to post bail and replaces this right with a new DISCRIMINATORY system of computer-generated PROFILING administered by government bureaucrats—costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Prop. 25 is unfair, unsafe and costly. Vote NO on Prop.
California Prop. 25 explained: Voters to decide on eliminating …
2020年10月30日 · Proposition 25 is a referendum on a law to replace the state's cash bail system with risk assessments instead. Two years ago, California would have become the first...
Proposition 25 [Ballot] - Legislative Analyst’s Office
2020年11月3日 · Proposition 25 makes state trial courts responsible for pretrial assessment. This includes various activities, such as: (1) determining risk levels using pretrial risk assessment tools, (2) collecting additional information related to a person’s risk, (3) releasing certain people based on their risk level, and (4) suggesting conditions of ...
What to Know About Proposition 25: Ending Cash Bail in California
2020年10月13日 · In California, there is a showdown between opponents and supporters of Proposition 25, a referendum for 2018's Senate Bill 10 that would eliminate cash bail while replacing it with a risk...
YES vote eliminates cash bail in favor of pretrial risk assessment. This risk assessment would determine if an arrestee will be released or detained until their trial. No one will pay any fees for their release. NO vote retains the cash bail system that was in place prior to 2018 and SB 10.