Prince Rama (previously Prince Rama of Ayodhya) was a two-piece "now age" psych-dance band based in Brooklyn, New York, founded by sisters Taraka Larson and Nimai Larson.
WELCOME TO THE NOW AGE // OFFICIAL PRINCE RAMA CHANNEL "What the hell is that?" is a question pretty familiar to the controversial Brooklyn band Prince Rama.
2019年8月20日 · Prince Rama —the duo of sisters Nimai and Taraka Larson—have decided to break up the band. As a final goodbye, they’ve released a new EP called Rage in Peace. …
Since signing to Animal Collective’s Paw Tracks label, Prince Rama has continually delivered powerful, raw performances of dark pop, as well as coining and embodying the utopian spirit of …
Prince Rama’s lifespan reveals a prolific, unique, and multi-disciplinary approach to culture-making, releasing eight albums in ten years. After being discovered in a Texas dive bar by …
Prince Rama (previously Prince Rama of Ayodhya) is a two-piece “now age” psych-dance band based in Brooklyn, New York, founded by sisters Taraka Larson and Nimai Larson.