How to Chlorinate Your Pool - Trouble Free Pool
Dec 10, 2023 · Liquid Chlorine. Household bleach and liquid pool chlorine are the two common sources. They are identical in every aspect except strength, household bleach is typically 6%. Pool chlorine typically sold at pool stores is usually around 12%. Avoid bleach that states splashless, scented, or any type of fabric enhancers (i.e. polymers).
What's clogging my chlorine feeder output tubing ... - Trouble …
Jun 11, 2022 · Inside the HASA tank at the interface between the water and the liquid chlorine the pH is closer 12.5. That means your CSI is way over +2.0 which will make any calcium in the water turn into calcium carbonate since there is also ample TA in …
PoolMath - Trouble Free Pool
Discover the pool calculator behind the perfect pool, PoolMath. Dealing with pools has allowed TFP to become the original authors of the best calculator on the net. To help you better understand the calculator and keep your water clean and clear, you should also view the following: ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry
The Free Chlorine and Cyanuric Acid Relationship - Trouble Free Pool
Jul 20, 2024 · Pool stores and the pool care industry recommend free chlorine levels from 1–3 ppm that are often inadequate for sanitation and algae prevention. Their recommendations are based on outdated information that only focused on individual chemical levels as opposed to the ways that the different chemicals in your pool affect each other.
Chlorine: Is there such a thing as too much? - Trouble Free Pool
Jul 17, 2007 · So pouring chlorine slowly, and perhaps even pre-mixing in a bucket of pool water to dilute it first, may make a lot of sense for vinyl pools. There are PBs who will swear that vinyl pools are destroyed by bleach, but these may be cases where the chlorine is poured in quickly and settles at the bottom of above-ground pools where there is no ...
SLAM - Shock Level and Maintain - Trouble Free Pool
Sep 25, 2023 · In the first few days of a SLAM, testing and adding chlorine more frequently can be beneficial to closely maintain SLAM FC level. We recommend 3 times daily at a minimum: morning, noon, and night. If your schedule permits, you may test and add chlorine more often. SLAMing an outdoor pool is most effective when CYA is around 30 to 40.
EZ pool vs Chlorine
Aug 6, 2013 · For example: The minimum amount of Chlorine for a pool with 50ppm of stabilizer is 4ppm. Keep in mind, that is the minimum. You test and find that your FC is 2ppm. A slow dissolving Chlorine source will not get you to your minimum fast enough. Like I said previously, slow dissolving pucks and sticks continually add stabilizer along with Chlorine.
How much chlorine consumption is "normal" - Trouble Free Pool
Jul 12, 2009 · After dumping the pool guy, I drained the pool to get the CYA lower, down to ~55ppm. Chlorine usage was about 96 - 110 oz per day (6% Chlorox), for 11000 gal, it would be about 4.5ppm/day. I added CYA, to bring it up to about 60, and now my daily usage is about 84-96 oz per day (3.5-4.0 ppm/day). Overnight chlorine loss is consistently about 1ppm.
Ascorbic Acid Treatment - Further Reading | Trouble Free Pool
Dec 31, 2024 · Take your chlorine down to 0 and PH down to 7.2; if there is chlorine in the water, it won't hurt; it will just eat up the ascorbic acid, so you will need more to get rid of the stains. Let it decline naturally. Remove tablets, stop adding liquid chlorine, or turn off the SWG.
How do I use Chlorine in my Spa or Hot Tub? | Trouble Free Pool
Aug 18, 2024 · Also, the chlorine/CYA chart doesn't apply the same way in spas as there was a spate of hot tub itch/rash issues, some with Dichlor-only use after 1-2 months with the net result being that it seemed that higher active chlorine levels may be needed to prevent Pseudomonas aeruginosa from growing, especially in biofilms.
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