PUBG Mobile Global Championship 2021
PUBG Mobile Global Championship 2021 is the final event of the 2021 PUBG Mobile competitive season. The League and League Finals are divided into East and West divisions, and are held simultaneously. 20 teams in each division. Round-Robin Format: Each team plays 8 matches total in a week; every Tuesday & Wednesday.
PUBG Mobile全球总决赛 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2021年PUBG Mobile全球总决赛持续采用联赛阶段和决赛阶段,赛事主办方直邀1支队伍进入决赛阶段。 参赛的40队伍分成东部赛区和西部赛区 [ 4 ] ,进行联赛阶段,决出进入决赛阶段的15个名额。
PUBG Mobile Global Championship - Liquipedia
The PUBG Mobile Global Championship (abbreviated as PMGC) is the official world tournament for PUBG Mobile organized by KRAFTON and Tencent Games that began in 2020 which is held at the end of the year as a closure to the year's PUBG Mobile competitive season.
PUBG Mobile Global Championship 2021: Grand Finals
PMGC 2021 - Grand Finals: January 21st - 23rd, 2022. 16 teams: Winner of Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021; Top 9 teams from East League Finals; Top 6 teams from West League Finals; 18 matches (6 per day). Teams Locations . For details about teams' locations during the PMGC Grand Finals. Click here.
2021 PMGC全球总决赛 - 百度百科
2022年1月23日,2021 PMGC全球总决赛落下帷幕,经过总决赛3天18场比赛鏖战,来自中国PEL赛区的上海NV战队最终以222分,领先第二名NAVI多达47分的优势,成功卫冕PMGC全球总决赛冠军,将冠军奖杯留在了 PEL 赛区,上海NV战队也拿下了150万美元的冠军奖金,FMVP则由NV·Order拿下,总决赛中,他拿下了46个总淘汰,是队伍夺得冠军的最大功臣,他个人也收获了1万美元的FMVP奖金。 [1]
PUBG Mobile Global Championship 2021: Schedule, format
2021年10月20日 · The PMGC 2021 will pit the world’s best teams against each other for the title of global champion and the lion’s share of its massive prize pool. Here’s everything you need to know about the PUBG Mobile Global Championship 2021, including its schedule, prize pool, and its participating teams.
PUBG Mobile Global Championship (PMGC) - 2021
Team Nova Esports (China) won the title of PUBG Mobile Global Championship 2021. Order from Nova Esports (China) won the award of Most Value Player in the Grand Finals (FMVP). All participating teams in PMGC 2021 were divided into two regions: East and West, which competed separately in the League stage and the League Finals.
PUBG Mobile Global Championship (PMGC 2021) Result
2022年1月3日 · The PUBG Mobile Global Championship (PMGC 2021) marks the final competition of the 2021 competitive season. The championship will showcase a grand prize pool of $ 3,490,000. A total of 16 teams will compete for the top spot in PUBG Mobile Global Championship, including the top 9 teams from the East League, the top 6 …
恭喜NV腾讯视频战队 卫冕2021 PMGC全球总决赛冠军!-和平精 …
经过三日的激烈角逐,2021 PMGC全球总决赛最终以上海NV战队收获222分蝉联世界冠军完美收官! NAVI战队以总分175分斩获2021 PMGC全球总决赛亚军;NGX战队以总分166分斩获2021 PMGC全球总决赛季军。 上海NV战队的再一次夺冠不仅向世界证明了他们大满贯的实力,也捍卫了PEL赛区的荣光。 回顾上海NV战队在2021 PMGC全球总决赛的夺冠之旅,东部赛区常规赛阶段他们的发挥并不如预期那般完美,最后以总分217分排名第十六名的成绩晋级东部赛区决赛阶 …
【PMGC】1月23日 2021年和平精英全球总决赛 - 哔哩哔哩
【PMGC】1月23日 2021年和平精英全球总决赛共计8条视频,包括:pmgc-0123-2、pmgc-0123-3、pmgc-0123-4等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。