PIPP - Astronomy Software & Computers - Cloudy Nights
Jul 3, 2023 · PIPP - posted in Astronomy Software & Computers: anyone got a working link for PIPP download it seems they are all down.
PIPP download location seems unavailable - Cloudy Nights
Jun 17, 2023 · Ay users of PIPP have any idea why I might have this problem. PIPP cannot see a bunch of images on my hard drive (the moon). However, it would happily import pictures of squirrels in another folder. I have checked the windows directory and the images are definitely there and viewable (also from Lightroom). They are raw files.
PIPP - planetary imaging pre-processor software
Jan 28, 2012 · PIPP is a simple command-line program that I wrote to help with pre-processing planetary images.PIPP's functions include:Load a sequence of images from either AVI video files or bitmap image files.Debayer raw frames from colour cameras to produce colour frames.Check each frame contains a planet t...
why use PIPP? - Major & Minor Planetary Imaging - Cloudy Nights
Nov 13, 2023 · 1. PIPP does a better job of rejecting partial frames than AutoStakkert. So if a planet drifts too close to the edge and gets partially cut off, PIPP can reject these frames whereas AS3 often gets confused by them. 2. PIPP does a better job of …
PIPP-AutoStakkert-RegiStax or just PIPP-RegiStax?
Sep 17, 2016 · I use PIPP to perform an initial cleaning of the video file. Due to my lousy capture practices, the video will sometimes have bumps or movement that messes things up. PIPP will sort thru them and can throw away the worst frames, leaving a nice tidy - with cantered planet - video file for easier processing by AS.
To PIPP or not to PIPP that is the question - Cloudy Nights
Sep 28, 2021 · Page 1 of 2 - To PIPP or not to PIPP that is the question - posted in Major & Minor Planetary Imaging: Ive seen many people ask if PIPP is necessary, or does it make a difference. Ive always used PIPP but never really knew the answer. Heres a side by side comparison, same video used, same stacking percentage in Autostakkert (25%), same processing in Registax. …
PIPP and Autostakkert - Major & Minor Planetary Imaging
Oct 18, 2018 · PIPP and Autostakkert - posted in Major & Minor Planetary Imaging: I just started to process my planetary videos images of Saturn and Jupiter that I took this summer and I started to play around with Autostakkert which I really like. My question is if am using Autostakkert, do I need to run PIPP first to stabilize the planet in my AVI file? I have a feeling that PIPP is not …
Why do you use PIPP? - Solar Observing and Imaging - Cloudy …
Apr 11, 2021 · Next, I used PIPP to first pre-process the large SER file and then fed a smaller already quality sorted 250 frame file into AS!3 and went through the same processing again, and with this split approach, the total pre-processing time was further reduced down to 177.5 seconds in PIPP and only 120.6 seconds total in AS!3 on the same file from ...
Link for PIPP online manual? - Cloudy Nights
Sep 3, 2023 · Link for PIPP online manual? - posted in Astronomy Software & Computers: Is there another link to the online PIPP manual?
PIPP quality estimator with undebayered videos? - Cloudy Nights
Aug 30, 2020 · PIPP quality estimator with undebayered videos? - posted in Major & Minor Planetary Imaging: I recently switched from capturing in RGB24 to RAW8, and since then Ive been saving my best captures in their original RAW format (but cropped down with PIPP) to save disk usage. I also often use PIPP to remove all but the best 25% of frames from my captures, …