removing fiberglass - Boat Design Net
2007年6月18日 · I'm restoring a yellow jacket plywood boat. the previous owner fiberglassed the bottom of the boat. This fiberglass is cracked and breaking off in spots. I'm trying to remove it by using an orbital sander with 40 grit paper . It works great but is taking a very long time. Is there an easier way to remove the fiberglass without damaging the hull?
Small trimarans under 20' | Page 37 - Boat Design Net
2012年6月24日 · The challenger tri is indeed very popular within the disabled sailor community. I am intending to use bigger amas with more buoyancy instead of the recycled hobbies, pour the boat with sufficient buoyancy, add mast buoyancy and most important install an easy to use reef system with audible alarm once certain wind speeds are reached.
thoughts on using spray foam inside hulls | Boat Design Net
2012年10月12日 · The foam should be kept above the bilge line. It shouldn't be located where it will be subjected to constant moisture. It is a "life jacket" for the boat and like the life jacket you wear it should be kept dry until needed. Just my amateur's opinion.
infatable pressure loss - Boat Design Net
2011年12月16日 · I have re-inflated whilst it is in its deflated period,but I am not sure whether this idea takes it beyond the makers inflation limits.They dont specify a time to inflate,or limits.Mine is marked with a 6" measurement,and they supplied a tape to check the correct distance for inflation.Even when I use the above method it doesn't exceed the limits,but the chambers are …
gelcoating the whole boat down to the waterline
2019年1月20日 · Then follow up with spraying the pinstripe and gold area and putting on one coat of clear over the top so it can be sanded and taped over. I’m shooting Fiber Glass 180 mixed 1/1 with Duratec 904-001 in all shoots. This will allow me to possibly do 3 days spray in one day. Or not , just going to see how my practice shoots go.
An ideal small affordable motorsailer | Boat Design Net
2007年3月25日 · Here you have the picture of an small motorsailer, the well known Hardy 21, just to figure out the effect of a pilothouse for that size of boat.
Air Cooled Inboard? - Boat Design Net
2006年11月8日 · Another option might be a dry exhaust. I used to have a 28' Herreshof sailboat (H-28) built in 1951, and when I bought it in 1976 it still had its original Universal "Blue Jacket Twin" engine with a dry exhaust. It was just carefully fitted pipe with good heat shield lagging. It …
Buoyancy and Floatation calcs - Boat Design Net
2007年6月5日 · If your talking about positive flotation, try this out: (sourced from www.mast.tas.gov.au) Positive Buoyancy ...
Help drawing and design Texas Scooter boat
2020年1月31日 · Re coming up with displacements, the easiest way, based on your initial sketches above, might be to simply divide the hull into a couple of blocks - the aft section could be assumed to be a fairly uniform rectangular section, where …
Proper way of bedding stringers to fiberglass hulls.
2018年2月15日 · Another thing you can consider is using a pad under.. The stringer tabbing is typically a few layers and I would probably do something like 8 - 6 - 4", or 8 - 6 -6 or 6-6-4 with overlaps of 2" min.