Ioptron SmartEQ pro+ GoTo + Astroberry + PHD2 - INDI Forum
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PHD2 Guiding 2.6.2dev5 - F IleTOOlSVleWDarksBookmarksH I.os Dark cal INDI Configuration NDI Server Hostname Port Connected Driver Port )ther options localhost 7624 Connect Mount EQM0d Mou INDI Control Capture El Subframe Calibrate Stop Guider: QHY CCD QHY5-O-M- Configure — KStars Dark Guide Options Calibration Settings Guide Settings
Capture stopped after meridian flip - INDI Forum
Nov 13, 2021 · I use PHD2 for guiding. All is OK when I use the meridian flip : - The capture is stopping - Guiding is stopping - The mount go to the good position - Astrometry is OK - PHD2 do a good calibration and begin again - The capture begin again BUT after about 30 seconds, the capture stop with a message that indicate that guiding has stopped.
PHD2 guider setting and connecting to INDISERVER
To install the last kstars so PHD2 works, should I be building from source instead of installing... Creating a specific thread on this, to not hijack others... PHD2 guider setting and connecting to INDISERVER - INDI Forum
[SOLVED] Ekos|PHD2 connection time out for AZGTI
[cross posted this to phd2 forums as well ] Mount ; Skywatcher AZ GTI GuideCamera : ZWO 120mm-s I am trying to connect the new skywatcher AZ GTI in EQ mode to Phd2 . When I run the wizard and chose...
PHD2 looping stops after first exposure - INDI Forum
Hello, i used ekos and phd2 for a few month with an odroid c2 without any issues. Recently i set up a new installation on an odroid n2+.
PhD2 Calibration not flipping after meridian flip - INDI Forum
PhD2 Calibration not flipping after meridian flip. The automated meridian flip performed flawlessly except ...
Can onboard mount PEC be use with the Ekos guider and/or PHD2
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Auto launch PHD2 - INDI Forum - indilib.org
Auto launch PHD2 Hey smart people, I run INDI server on RPI3 and use Kstars/EKOS client on Windows machine. I've been struggling with guiding so I'm trying PHD2 (so far, seems...
Using PHD2 Parameter Settings in the Ekos Guider
Hi folks, I know there is an option to use the PHD2 guider in the Ekos guider module, but I read in that Ekos only uses guide data from PHD2.