Paul Juon - Wikipedia
Paul Juon (Russian: Па́вел Фёдорович Юо́н, Pavel Fyodorovich Yuon; 6 March 1872 – 21 August 1940) was a Russian-born Swiss composer. Juon was born in Moscow, where his …
Category:Juon, Paul - IMSLP
Paul Juon (6 March 1872 — 21 August 1940) Alternative Names/Transliterations: Павел Фëдорович Юон, Pavel Fëdorovič Juon, Pavel Fedorovich Iuon, Pavel Fyodorovich Yuon, …
Biography – Paul Juon Gesellschaft (PJG)
Professor of Music Theory and Violin at the Conservatory in Baku. Works for the newspaper ‘Kaspi’ as a music critic. Performance of the Symphony op. 10 in Kislovodsk (North Caucasus) …
List of compositions by Paul Juon - Wikipedia
This is a sortable list of compositions by Paul Juon, categorized by genre, opus number, date of composition (or publication) and title. Juon's works are largely published by Robert Lienau, …
Paul Juon: The Russian Brahms | WRTI
2010年12月4日 · Paul Juon was born in Russia and died in Switzerland, but is a German composer. His music is influenced by Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, and Sibelius, so of course he was …
Paul Juon — Wikipédia
Paul Fiodorovitch Juon ou Youon (en russe : Павел Фёдорович Юон), né le 6 mars 1872 à Moscou et mort le 21 août 1940 à Vevey, est un compositeur russe, surnommé le « Brahms …
Paul Juon Gesellschaft (PJG)
Die Paul Juon Gesellschaft (PJG) heisst Sie willkommen. “Das fehlende Glied zwischen Tschaikowskij und Strawinskij” So nannte ein witziger Kritiker den spätromantischen …
Paul Juon: Trio Miniaturen (Full recording) - YouTube
2025年1月9日 · 12/14/2024Videos are finally out!From: Seattle Chamber Music Society Performed in Nordstrom HallTrio Miniatures - Paul Juon00:00 I. Reverie04:43 II. Humeresk...
パウル・ユオン - Wikipedia
パウル・ユオン(Paul Juon 〔ロシア語: Па́вел Фёдорович Юо́н 〕, 1872年 3月6日 - 1940年 8月21日)はスイス系ロシア人の作曲家で、ドイツで活躍した。ロシア語では「パーヴェル …
Paul Juon (1872-1940) - earsense
Born: March 6, 1872, Moscow Died: August 21, 1940, Vevey (age 68)