14 CFR Part 77 -- Safe, Efficient Use, and Preservation of the ...
View the PDF for 14 CFR Part 77; These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. As a result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. Learn more.
Notification of Proposed Construction or Alteration on Airport Part 77
2023年6月13日 · Federal Regulation Title 14 Part 77 establishes standards and notification requirements for objects affecting navigable airspace. This notification serves as the basis for: Evaluating the effect of the construction or alteration on operating procedures; Determining the potential hazardous effect of the proposed construction on air navigation
FAR Part 77 allows the “FAA to identify potential aeronautical hazards in advance thus preventing or minimizing the adverse impacts to the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace”
Airport Airspace Analysis (AAA) - Federal Aviation Administration
2022年10月5日 · Under Federal Regulation Title 14 Part 77, Safe, Efficient Use and Preservation of the Navigable Airspace (Part 77), which went into effect on January 18, 2011, an AAA is not conducted for private-use airports unless the airport is operated by a Federal agency or the Department of Defense (DoD), or if the private-use airport has at least one ...
14 CFR Part 77 - LII / Legal Information Institute
2010年7月21日 · Subpart A—General (§§ 77.1 - 77.3) Subpart B—Notice Requirements (§§ 77.5 - 77.11) Subpart C—Standards for Determining Obstructions to Air Navigation or Navigational Aids or Facilities (§§ 77.13 - 77.23)
Sec. 77.1 Scope. This part: (a) Establishes standards for determining obstructions in navigable airspace; (b) Sets forth the requirements for notice to the Administrator of certain proposed construction or alteration; (c) Provides for aeronautical studies of obstructions to air navigation, to determine their effect
Obstruction Evaluation - Federal Aviation Administration
2024年4月19日 · The FAA's primary mission is to conduct formal aeronautical studies on existing or proposed construction as stated in Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 77 to ensure the safety of air navigation and the efficient utilization of navigable airspace by aircraft.
Part 77 - Safe, Efficient Use, And Preservation Of The Navigable …
2010年7月21日 · part 77 - safe, efficient use, and preservation of the navigable airspace . authority: 49 u.s.c. 106 (g), 40103, 40113-40114, 44502, 44701, 44718, 46101-46102, 46104. Source: Docket No. FAA-2006-25002, 75 FR 42303, July 21, 2010, unless otherwise noted.
eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 77 Subpart C -- Standards for Determining ...
(a) This subpart describes standards used to determine obstructions to air navigation that may affect the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace and the operation of planned or existing air navigation and communication facilities.
§77.1 Scope. This part: (a) Establishes standards for deter-mining obstructions in navigable air-space; (b) Sets forth the requirements for notice to the Administrator of certain proposed construction or alteration; (c) Provides for aeronautical studies of obstructions to air navigation, to de-termine their effect on the safe and ef-
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