Why do people use (1 << PA0) when setting port?
Mar 18, 2016 · 1 << PA0 will shift 1 by PA0 to the left. Since PA0 is 0, there is no shift. But given 1 << 6 1 will become 0b1000000. Given13 << 6, it will shift 13, in binary which is 0b1101, over by 6 to become 0b1101000000 or 832. Now, we need to see what PA0 - PA7 are defined as.
how can a GPIO of stm32 have many alternative functions?
\$\begingroup\$ thanks a lot, i know that reference manual does not say anything about how to map TIM5_CH1 or TIM8_ETR to PA0. then, problem arises, different functions share the same pin(PA0) and no specific registers to distinguish them. if i have enabled these two functions, and then PA0 gets a signal, will stm32 send it to TIM5 or TIM8 ...
Is there a way to have an interrupt firing on both PA0 and PB0?
Apr 7, 2020 · It's true that number of external GPIO interrupts are limited to 16 and you can't configure PA0 and PB0 as source at the same time. However, external interrupts are not the only way to read button states. You can implement a periodic …
STM32 wake up from standby by WKUP pin rising edge
Jul 11, 2018 · I want to wake up my stm32 controller from standby mode by giving a rising edge on WKUP pin, but there is a problem.
c - STM32 - TIM2_ETR pin, connected to pin PA0 (button), …
Oct 24, 2017 · I am trying to implement PWM LED dimming in 6 stages, where each stage in more bright, based on clicking button, which increments external pin, which serves the value to timer. I am facing a pro...
STM32F303VCT6 external interrupt with PA0 button won't toggle …
Feb 20, 2018 · I want to use a button connected to PA0 as an external interrupt to toggle LED on PE14 on button press. However calling the configure_PA0 function doesn't seem to work. I did a simple blinking instruction in while loop to test and it turns out when I call configure_PA0 the LED stays ON all the time.
c - Why isn't internal pull-down resistor working on …
Aug 10, 2021 · The user push button on your black pill board is connected between PA0 and GND. It makes no sense to configure PA0 with pull-down configuration. In this case, pushing the button won't affect the state of the PA0 pin; it was logic 0 before the push and remain at logic 0 during and after the push. Obviously, the the hardware and software can't ...
Reason of wakeup from Standby mode in STM32F4 - Stack Overflow
Feb 28, 2017 · I need to know what was the reason for wakeup from standby mode in STM32F4. I'm using both the WKUP pin (PA0) and the RTC wakeup interrupt asnd I need to know upon wakeup what was the reason. Thanks.
GPIO extra interrupt in STM32 - Stack Overflow
Mar 21, 2020 · If you look into the STM32F103 Reference Manual p. 209, you will see that there is actually a multiplexer that decides if PA0, PB0, ... or PG0 is connected to the EXTI0 signal: STM32F103 ExtI0 schematic. That means that you cannot connect both PA0 and PB0 to EXTI0. In fact, there are four specific bits in the alternate function input/output ...
c - STM32 - TIM2_ETR pin, connected to pin PA0 (button), …
Oct 24, 2017 · I am trying to implement PWM LED dimming in 10 stages, where each stage in more bright, based on clicking PA0 button, which increments external TIM2_ETR pin, which serves the value to timer TIM2. I am facing a problem, that sometimes, value variable is too large than it should be and skips some levels of brightness.