PZL.48 Lampart - Wikipedia
The PZL.48 Lampart (leopard) was a Polish heavy fighter-bomber design, that remained only a project, owing to the outbreak of World War II.
PZL.48 Lampart – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
PZL-48 Lampart (PZL-48) – projekt polskiego samolotu myśliwskiego konstrukcji inżynierów Franciszka Misztala i Wsiewołoda Jakimiuka, opracowany w Państwowych Zakładach Lotniczych w roku 1938.
PZL.43 - Wikipedia
The PZL.43 was a Polish light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft designed in the mid-1930s by PZL in Warsaw. It was a development of the PZL.23 Karaś. Its main user was the Bulgarian Airforce who called it the Chaika (Чайка, gull).
PZL.46 Sum - Wikipedia
PZL.46 Sum was a light bomber developed by Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze shortly before World War II, which, was directed to serial production in the spring of 1939. These planes were in production, but the Polish industry did not manage to produce them …
PZL.48 Lampart | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PZL.48 Lampart (Leopard) was a Polish heavy fighter-bomber design, that remained only a project, owing to the outbreak of World War II.
P.Z.L. P.48 Lampart (Leopard) - historyofwar.org
The P.Z.L. P.48 Lampart (Leopard) was a more advanced version of the P.38 Wilk multi-purpose ground attack and escort fighter, but the prototypes hadn’t been completed when the Germans invaded Poland in September 1939.
PZL.48 Lampart - Wikiwand
The PZL.48 Lampart (leopard) was a Polish heavy fighter-bomber design, that remained only a project, owing to the outbreak of World War II.
PZL-48 "Lampart" - samolotypolskie.pl
Model samolotu myśliwskiego i bombowego PZL-48 ”Lampart” w barwach polskiego lotnictwa wojskowego. (Źródło: model i zdjęcie Sławomir Pomikły, Bełchatów). Wobec niepowodzenia z samolotem PZL-38 "Wilk" i silnikiem PZL "Foka" podjęto w 1937 r.
PWS,PZL & LWS Projects - Secret Projects Forum
2007年2月11日 · PZL 48 Lampart (Leopard) - Development of PZL 38 Wilk with two Gnome-Rhome 14M07 "Mars" (730 HP) , larger and with no slots. Nowokuński died in Tatra mountains in 1939 and not finish Foka engine his successors be able to to finish up engine.
PZL P.48 Lampart - wardrawings.be
Weight: 2400 kg | Max. Combat Weight: 3500 kg. Max. Speed: 560 km/h | Ceiling: 10000 m | Range: 1500 km.