PT. IMC TEKNO INDONESIA (Precision Injection plastic molding ...
We produce and supply injection molding plastic parts as the exterior products and precision mechanism parts, mainly for the engineering parts.
PT. IMC TEKNO INDONESIA (Proses Injection Plastik Presisi ...
PT. IMC TEKNO INDONESIA adalah perusahaan Jepang yang bergerak dalam bidang produsen komponen plastik presisi yang berdiri tahun 1996.
Company Profile | PT. IMC TEKNO INDONESIA (Precision ...
Company Name: PT. IMC TEKNO INDONESIA (Formerly PT. ISHIKAWA INDONESIA) Address: First Factory (Export Processing Zone) [] Kawasan Berikat Kota Bukit Indah ST-4D Block A-II No.29, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat 41181, Indonesia
PT Pelita Global Logistik
PT IMC Pelita Logistik Tbk provides logistics and sea transportation solutions to coal mining companies in Indonesia. With full dedication, we hone our skills and business processes to become a reliable logistics and sea transportation solution provider for …
PT. IMC TEKNO INDONESIA - Rubber/Plastics/Metal - Company ...
pt. IMC TEKNO INDONESIA (formerly PT. ISHIKAWA INDONESIA) since its establishment since 1996, always committed to respond to customers’ requirements, and we are consistent to pursue the continuous production of precision plastic products that will made the customers feel safe.
IMC Kalimantan Plantation - Indonesia - LinkedIn
IMC Kalimantan Plantation - Indonesia | 1,244 followers on LinkedIn. The IMC Group is investing in government-approved land in Indonesia to develop palm oil plantations using sustainable and ...
Customers – PT IMC Pelita Logistik Tbk
PT IMC Pelita Logistik Tbk. Your trusted partner for logistics and sea transportation services in Indonesia