Question about CST MWS boundary conditions? - Physics Forums
2009年7月4日 · During the simulation, a warning message "some PEC material is touching the boundary" was show. After change the boundary condition setting to "open(add space)" then the warning will eliminate when run again the simulation. But the s11 curve still different from the "actual" results. Anybody can help? Any comments will be appreciate. Thanks.
Which Plastic for Slide Charts? PVC, PEC or - Physics Forums
2009年1月5日 · The manufacturer is now recommending PEC for the application, which is suppose to be more susceptible to higher temperatures. Can anyone verify that PEC would be the way to go or recommend a different material? My goal is make a durable slide chart that last through normal wear and tear.
Question on TEM wave travel in parallel plate transmission line.
2011年2月9日 · With a PEC material, there is no energy loss in generating currents. But once we allow for the plates to have a finite conductivity then we introduce a small loss since we have to inject a certain amount of energy to keep the currents flowing.
Image Theory for an Electric Dipole - Physics Forums
2025年3月5日 · image 3: located at (a,0,-a) - oriented in the +z direction i.e. +Iℓ moment (normal component of E over PEC should reinforce the source) Now, for vector N (𝜃,𝜙): - In the textbook I am using, I found that the magnetic vector potential of an infinitesimal dipole (taken from "short" dipole as stated in the question) oriented the exact ...
Boundary conditions and time domain electromagnetic waves
2011年2月4日 · The cylinders are PEC material (perfect electrically conductor). Moreover, the cylinders are semi infinite, but from z = 0 to z = -L (L = length > 0) there's a lossy dielectric between them. For z < -L to z = -infinity, there is a perfect dielectric. At the plane at z=0, there is a closing shield made of PEC material.
What is Sub-Material? Meaning & Examples - Physics Forums
2013年4月24日 · What is meant by the sub-material? Such as if you mix three differential materials, for example, coffee + sugar + water, which one them is the sub-material? Thank you
Materials and Chemical Engineering Forum - Physics Forums
2019年10月19日 · Join the expert discussion on Materials and Chemical Engineering topics. Includes topics on the properties of matter and its applications. Metal Production, Fabrication, Distillation, Corrosion
Understanding Material Breakage: Fractures, Fatigue, and More
2013年2月4日 · Hi and thank you in advance. I want to understand how do fractures/breaks/fatigues occur in general. I remember a proverb saying that when a farmer breaks a rock after 100 hits using his axe, it is not the 100th hit that breaks the rock, but it is all of the 100 hits. How material...
EM waves: multiple planar interfaces (PEC-backed lossy dielectric)
2012年12月14日 · Layer 3 is a perfect electric conductor (PEC). The freespace wavelength of an incident EM wave is 1m. Find the power reflection coefficient R's numerical value for an incident angle of 0°, 40°, and 80°, and plot R for 0<θ<90. Homework Equations Maxwell's equations, boundary conditions, and matrix methods for solving multiple dielectric ...
Phase Arrangement of Parallel Medium-Voltage Cables - Physics …
2023年10月30日 · I work on a 20 kV substation project in which the existing parallel single core cables with a cross-sectional area of 800 mm² per phase should be doubled, meaning the rated current would increase from 2000 A to 4000 A.