PAX5 - Wikipedia
The PAX5 gene is a member of the paired box (PAX) family of transcription factors. The central feature of this gene family is a novel, highly conserved DNA-binding domain, known as the paired box.
PAX5 Gene - GeneCards | PAX5 Protein | PAX5 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · PAX5 (Paired Box 5) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with PAX5 include Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic 3 and B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia/Lymphoma With T (7;9) (Q11.2;P13.2). Among its related pathways are Gene expression (Transcription) and Assembly of the pre-replicative complex.
Pax5 regulates B cell immunity by promoting PI3K signaling
The transcription factor Pax5 controls B cell development, but its role in mature B cells is largely enigmatic. Here, we demonstrated that the loss of Pax5 by conditional mutagenesis in peripheral ...
Pax5: the guardian of B cell identity and function - Nature
2007年4月17日 · Here we review the experimental evidence implicating Pax5 in the transcriptional control of B cell commitment, development and function as well as in B cell tumorigenesis. Pax5 was first...
Pax5:B细胞身份和功能的守护者。,Nature Immunology - X-MOL
转录因子 Pax5 对于淋巴祖细胞向 B 淋巴细胞谱系的承诺至关重要。 Pax5 通过抑制 B 谱系“不适当”基因并同时激活 B 谱系特异性基因来发挥双重作用。
基础免疫学:B细胞发育及其调控分子 | 免疫学专题_淋巴
2020年12月7日 · pax5是一个配对盒,或结构域,转录因子,在hscs的后代中,在b细胞谱系的细胞中表达。 PAX5对B细胞的分化既有正效应,也有负作用。 参与B细胞发育的miRNA
Pax5: a master regulator of B cell development and leukemogenesis
Here, we review the different functions of Pax5 in regulating various aspects of B lymphopoiesis. At B cell commitment, Pax5 restricts the developmental potential of lymphoid progenitors to the B cell pathway by repressing B-lineage-inappropriate genes, while it simultaneously promotes B cell development by activating B-lymphoid-specific genes.
The PAX5 gene-related B-ALL subtype PAX5 P80R was associated with a poorer prognosis in childhood cases, and patients with the PAX5alt subtype were classified as high risk more often than the standard risk. This review summarizes the role of the PAX5 gene in the pathogenesis of ALL, its fusion genes, and related therapeutic strategies.
EHA中国之声丨刘红星、王彤团队:破译B-ALL中PAX5基因结构异 …
2023年6月28日 · PAX5是B细胞分化过程中必需的转录因子,可以多种异常形式参与B-ALL的发生,包括序列突变(P80R)、易位形成融合基因、基因内扩增、基因丢失、外显子重复和外显子缺失等等,因此PAX5基因结构异常极其复杂多样,全面准确的检测和分析仍然具有挑战性。 基因组光学图谱技术(Optical Genome Mapping,OGM)具有精确解析基因组结构变异的能力。 利用OGM技术探索PAX5基因异常,与诊断、分类和治疗转归的相关性,以加深和更新PAX5基因 …
PAX-5介绍 - CCP-I
pax5基因b细胞分化必要成份。 它至少有4个亚型,PAX5能够编码50kDa B细胞特异活性蛋白。 PAX5正常的淋巴细胞分化过程中,从前驱至成熟B细胞中表达,但在分化终末端的浆细胞中减表达弱或不表达。