癌症中的E2F转录因子家族 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
其他 E2F 也已被证明参与DNA损伤反应和细胞凋亡,包括 E2F2、3、4、7、8(E2f7作为p53靶点,可以抑制细胞周期E2F靶基因的表达,加强或维持 p53 启动的细胞周期停滞)。
p53 and E2f: partners in life and death - Nature Reviews Cancer
Deregulated E2f, which is often present in human tumours, constitutes an oncogenic stress that activates p53. Specifically, E2f indirectly affects the level and activity of p53 by...
Cell cycle regulation: p53-p21-RB signaling - Nature
Mar 31, 2022 · RB-E2F complexes bind to promoters of a large fraction of genes repressed by p53 and p21. The resulting p53-p21-RB signaling overlaps substantially with the related p53-p21-DREAM signaling....
细胞周期调控:p53-p21-RB 信号,Cell Death and Differentiation
对相关 p53-p21-DREAM 信号通路控制的 p53-p21-RB 靶标和基因的检查表明,这两组有很大的重叠。 从机制上讲,这可以通过在目标启动子的 E2F 位点用 DREAM 转录抑制复合物替换 RB-E2F 复合物来解释。
Expanding Roles of the E2F-RB-p53 Pathway in Tumor Suppression
P53 suppresses tumorigenesis by inducing cellular senescence or apoptosis. Hence, in almost all cancers, the p53 pathway is also disabled. Here we will introduce the canonical functions of the RB-E2F-p53 pathway first and then the non-classical functions of each component, which may be relevant to cancer biology. Keywords: RB, E2F, ARF, MDM2 ...
Novel link between E2F and p53: proapoptotic cofactors of p53 …
We show that E2F1 upregulates the expression of four proapoptotic cofactors of p53--ASPP1, ASPP2, JMY and TP53INP1--through a direct transcriptional mechanism. Adenovirus E1A protein also induces upregulation of these genes, implicating endogenous E2F in this effect. TP53INP1 was shown to mediate phosphorylation of p53 on serine 46.
Differential regulation of E2F transcription factors by p53 tumor ...
The results indicate that p53 differentially regulates the activities of two subclasses (E2F-1/-2/-3 vs. E2F-4/-5) of E2F transcription factors. Detailed analysis using a two-hybrid approach in mammalian cells indicated lack of physical interaction between p53 and E2F-5, DP-1, or E2F-1.
E2F and p53 make a nice couple: converging pathways in apoptosis
Mar 17, 2005 · Many p53 targets that play a role in growth arrest or apoptosis have been identified, but given the frequent occurrence of mutations in the RB pathway and established connections between RB/E2F...
p53 and E2f: partners in life and death - PubMed
However, a large body of evidence indicates that, in addition to their independent effects on cell fate, there is extensive crosstalk between these two pathways, and specifically between the transcription factors E2F1 and p53, which influences vital cellular decisions.
p53 and E2F-1 cooperate to mediate apoptosis. - PNAS
Apr 26, 1994 · The tumor-suppressor protein p53 appears to function at the G1 phase of the cell cycle as a checkpoint in response to DNA damage. Mutations in the p53 gene lead to an increased rate of genomic instability and tumorigenesis. The E2F-1 transcription factor is a protein partner of the retinoblastoma-susceptibility gene product, RB.