Lockheed P-2 Neptune - Wikipedia
The Lockheed P-2 Neptune (designated P2V by the United States Navy prior to September 1962) is a maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft. It was developed for the US Navy by Lockheed to replace the Lockheed PV-1 Ventura and PV-2 Harpoon, and was replaced in turn by the Lockheed P-3 Orion.
P2V-7/P-2H - p2vneptune.com
The Lockheed Model 726, the P2V-7, was the final Neptune variant off the Lockheed production line. First flown on April 26, 1954, Model 726-45-14 was powered by a pair of 3,700hp (with water injection) Wright R-3350-32W Turbo Compound engines and a pair of Westinghouse J-34-WE-36 turbo jet engines.
Lockheed P2V-7 - Pima Air & Space
Lockheed P2V-7 (SP-2H) Neptune Design of the Neptune began during World War II to meet the U.S. Navy’s requirement for a large land-based patrol plane. The aircraft’s first flight took place in May 1945 and despite the end of the war in August development of the Neptune continued with deliveries beginning in late 1946.
P2V-7侦察机 - 百度百科
P2V-7最终量产改型也称P2V-7S从P-2F改良而来,装R3350-32W发动机(3500匹马力)2台及J34-WE-36 喷气发动机 2台,并对前起落架、翼尖油箱、座舱盖及仪表板作了改装。 其中SP-2H是反潜强化型,乘员10人制 [4-5]。 1964年6月11日约16时,台湾当局1架5060号P2V-7飞机从新竹机场起飞,这次侦察任务的指挥34中队长孙以晨上校,驾驶员葛光辽中校等3人,领航员古可模中校等3人,操纵电子设备的邱玉铉中校等4人,加上其他人员,飞机上共14人 [6]。 P2V-7侦察机,是美 …
p2v-7 (p-2h) - P-2 Neptune
2025年1月7日 · The P2V-7 could carry an ordnance load of 10,000 lbs. in a larger weapons bay. The flight deck was raised and a redesigned canopy provided improved visibility. The smaller wing tip tanks of the later P2V-5s were also fitted.
LOCKHEED P2V-7 NEPTUNE · The Encyclopedia of Aircraft David …
2019年5月19日 · Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune A89-277 at RAAF Richmond, NSW in July 1965 (David C Eyre) United States of America. Long-range maritime reconnaissance bomber. Two 2,611 kw (3,500 hp) Wright R-3350-32W two-row eighteen-cylinder turbo-compound air-cooled radial engines; and two 3,800 lb st Westinghouse J-34-WE-34 turbojets.
Lockheed P2V Neptune - Military Factory
2017年6月19日 · The P2V Neptune was a twin engine high-wing monoplane design. Sporting various Wright-brand powerplants throughout its production run, the aircraft featured outstanding range. A most identifiable feature being the single large rudder on the empennage, though the overall gangly design of the nose was another memorable feature.
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics P2V Neptune Technical data
Maximum speed with 4 engines: 350 knots (403 mph, 649 km/h). Maximum speed with 2 engines: 309 knots (356 mph, 573 km/h). The P2V-7 was produced under license in Japan by Kawasaki. 48 units built between 1948 and 1962. Japan made their own version with a longer fuselage and 2 General Electric T64-IHI-10 turboprops, called the P-2J.
P2V-7U侦察机 - 百度百科
P2V-7U侦察机,是 美国 洛克希德公司 设计生产的P2V“海王星”(Neptune)是一种海上巡逻机,主要用途为海上巡逻、侦察和反潜作战。 [1] 1954年,美国中央情报局决心建立自己的全球情报侦察空中平台。 中央情报局便协同美国空军与美国海军协商购买7架P2V-7“海王星”飞机改装成执行电子侦察任务的特殊侦察机。 一个代号为“野樱桃计划”的生产“海王星”侦察机的项目在洛克希德公司臭鼬工厂秘密进行。 这些飞机按照正常的生产序号和海军编号在工厂生产,而生产完成的 …
p2vneptune.com: Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune
RB-69A and P2V-7U ELINT Neptunes "In the Shade of the Wing" - Ron Wheeler VP-23 1955-1958