Welcome to OYO. Enter the registered email address or phone number associated with us. Email Id / Phone Number. Password. Generate a new password. Login. By logging into the account you are agreeing with our ...
View & manage bookings by List View, Calendar View & Rooms …
2019年12月25日 · OYO OS offers three different ways to view and manage bookings efficiently. The List View, the Calendar View and the Rooms View are the three views available and you can use any view according to your requirement. Choosing appropriate view will reduce your time spent on managing multiple bookings.
Support : Support Home
How to assign a room to a housekeeper on OYO OS? How to change the housekeeping status of a room? How to create a new housekeeping task? Business Trends 1. How to Access Business Trends? Know more about dashboard 2. Introducing Chat Feature for Instant Help. Revamped left panel navigation flow.
Automated task creation & allocation for the hotel staff. Biometric attendance & shift management. Front Desk & Reservation
Soporte : Support Home
¿Cómo asignar una habitación a un ama de llaves en OYO OS? ¿Cómo cambiar el estado de limpieza de una habitación? ¿Cómo crear una nueva tarea doméstica?
Cómo crear una reserva : Support Home - help.oyoos.com
OYO OS CREACIÓN DE RESERVAS Bienvenido a OYO OS Haz click en Nueva Reserva Se abrirá esta pantalla Introduce los datos del huésped Si se trata de una reserva a través de un promotor, marca este recuadro ...
Apa Itu Manajemen Staf? Apa Peran Staf yang Berbeda?
Apa perbedaan peran staf dalam OYO OS? Ada 7 peran yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya dalam sistem yang dapat ditugaskan kepada pengguna, yang didefinisikan terutama berdasarkan hak akses ke OYO OS: Administrator - Peran ini memiliki akses …
Introduction to OYO OS - Support Home
Introduction to OYO OS (Applicable to geographies : All) Please look at the video below to get started with OYO OS : Fri, 5 Jul, 2019 at 6:24 PM
How to generate Invoices through OYO OS? - Support Home
2019年5月15日 · (Applicable geographies: All) The property manager can generate 2 kinds of invoices, namely Proforma Invoice and a Final Invoice. Proforma Invoice: a proforma invoice is generated before check out, this is done in order to provide the guest with an invoice to get a confirmation on the bill details (feature available in only select geographies). Invoice: Once the …