Oshun - Wikipedia
According to the Ifa Literary Corpus, Oshun was the only female Irunmole (primordial spirit) sent to assist Shango to create the world by Olodumare, the Supreme God. The other spirits sent …
The Bag of Wisdom: Did Osun Originate the Ifa Divination System? Our next story from the Ifa literary corpus about Osun is taken from Okanransode. It was recorded from Babalawo …
Osun u Ozun: El Orisha vigilante de la Santería | Oshaeifa.com
Osun u Ozun es el Orisha que nunca duerme. Guardián de nuestro destino por excelencia. Cumplidor de la palabra y protector del hogar. Parte fundamental del grupo conocido como …
Oshun in the Ifa Religion - Asanee 44
2022年5月13日 · Oshun, sometimes spelled Osun, is another Orisha of the Ifa tradition practiced in Yorubaland, Nigeria, and other parts of the world. Popularly known as the river goddess …
ORISHÁ OSHUN - daily-ifa.com
Orishá Oshun, also known as Oshun, Ochun, or Oshun, is a prominent figure in the Yoruba religion and its diasporic forms such as Candomblé and Santería. She is revered as a goddess …
Ifa: The 16 Odu Ifa & Their Meaning. - Ọmọ Oòduà
Osun is the spirit that protects the head (Ori). The head is where memories are stored, so by protecting the head, Osun preserves the past. Irosun Meji is the stable and inflexible reality of …
Osun, Orisa of fertility in the Traditional Ifá - Ilé Awo
Osun is the goddess par excellence of the river. Among all the rivers that exist in Nigeria, this Orisa is represented in the most important river, that of Osogbo, a city where it is mainly …
Ifá - Wikipedia
Ifá or Fá is a divination system originating from Yorubaland in West Africa. It originates within the traditional religion of the Yoruba people although is also practised by followers of West African …
Paths of Oshun: Deciphering its Secrets and Virtues - OshaeIfa.com
Each path illustrates a unique aspect of Oshun, revealing his complexity and depth as a deity of love, fertility, and sweet waters, and highlighting his integral role in the lives of his children. …
Osun's Golden Harvest Temple | Temple of Ifa and Orisha …
Osun’s Golden Harvest Temple is an Ile, or house of Ifa/Orisha worship. We have been in existence since 1978 and in Pensacola since the early 1990’s under the guidance of Chief …