롤 전적 검색은 OP.GG - 챔피언 공략과 게임 전적, 라이엇 아이디 …
lck 공식 스폰서 op.gg에서 롤 전적 검색과 챔피언 공략을 확인해보세요. 소환사의 협곡, 칼바람 나락, 우르프, 아레나 등 다양한 모드에 필요한 모든 데이터를 만나볼 수 있습니다.
OP.GG - Las mejores construcciones y lista de niveles de LoL.
Las mejores construcciones de campeones de LoL y estadísticas de jugadores de OP.GG - Aprende construcciones de campeones, runas y counters. Busca la ID de Riot y la Lema para estadísticas de todos los modos de juego.
OP.GG - As Melhores Builds e Lista de Nível do LoL. Busque ID e …
As Melhores Builds de Campeões do LoL e Estatísticas de Jogadores da OP.GG - Aprenda as builds de campeões, runas e counters. Busque ID e Slogan da Riot para estatísticas de todos os modos de jogo.
OP.GG-最佳LoL英雄裝備和排行榜。搜索Riot ID和標語以獲取統計 …
OP.GG提供的最佳LoL英雄裝備和玩家統計數據-學習英雄裝備、符文和克制。搜索Riot ID和標語以查看所有遊戲模式的統計資料
OP.GG - 最佳LoL版本和排行榜。搜索Riot ID和标语以获取统计数据
OP.GG的最佳LoL冠军版本和玩家统计数据 - 了解冠军版本、符文和克制技巧。搜索各种游戏模式的Riot ID和标语统计数据。
The Best LoL Champion Builds and Player Stats by OP.GG - Learn champion builds, runes, and counters. Search Riot ID and Tagline for stats of all game modes.
OP.GG电竞 - 英雄联盟 - OP.GG Esports
Mel Build - Highest Win Rate Builds, Runes, and Items - OP.GG
In patch 15.05, Middle Mel was played in 43,118 games in Emerald + tier, with a 46.14% win rate and a 5.71% pick rate. Current rank of the champion is 4 Tier, and the most popular core items include , , and The most popular runes include (, , , ) for primary path and (, ) for secondary path. Mel strong against , and but weak against Mel include , , and .
Rell Build - Highest Win Rate Builds, Runes, and Items - OP.GG
In patch 15.05, Support Rell was played in 38,945 games in Emerald + tier, with a 50.80% win rate and a 5.40% pick rate. Current rank of the champion is 3 Tier, and the most popular core items include , , and The most popular runes include (, , , ) for primary path and (, ) for secondary path. Rell strong against , and but weak against Rell include , , and .