Yoda (Star Wars Canon) VS. Oogway (Kun Fu Panda)
2020年11月26日 · Also, whilst OP makes Oogway able to block the lightsaber with his staff, Yoda can still win with a single solid hit whilst the closest comparison Oogway has is the multi pressure point technique. Basically, Oogway might be either a little bit better or worse than Yoda, but against a lightsaber and battle precog he'd need to be clearly and ...
Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] - SpaceBattles
2020年11月8日 · Oogway of course insisted on being a minor character again, this time the attendant at the crossroads for the land of the dead. Taylor enjoyed adding the occasional fourth wall breaks with the Rivera matriarch shouting at the musicians.
Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] - SpaceBattles
2020年6月9日 · Oogway asked, adjusting his position on the cushion. The owl hummed, looking to the ceiling as she gave the question her full consideration. Genji did not flinch or move in any way even as her eyes passed over his hiding spot; any motion would only draw her attention.
Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] - SpaceBattles
2020年6月9日 · Oogway smiled and said nothing. At the back of the hall was a large pool and an open-air balcony. Taylor wouldn't have noticed the solid gold dragon on the ceiling if not for its reflection in the pool. Staring into the dragon's eyes, Taylor said, "These artifacts are really cool, Oog--sorry, Master Oogway. But, what are we doing here."
Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] - SpaceBattles
2020年6月9日 · Oogway and Tailei might not have been allowed out of the city even in spite of the tortoise's reputation if Eiko hadn't been waiting to escort them. Of course, when a significant percentage of the population can fly, there's only so much you can do to keep people out without resorting to unreasonable measures, and so no one attempted to stop ...
Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] - SpaceBattles
2020年6月9日 · Oogway used meditation as an excuse to cast his mind every which way. He spent all his waking hours as the wise mentor, or the senile elder, or the all-knowing master. All were true, and all were false. They were him, when he was them, but when he was meditating, that was when he was Oogway as Oogway saw him.
Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] - SpaceBattles
2020年6月9日 · Oogway gave a slow nod. Taylor rolled her eyes. "Well... assuming that it's not written in an ink only the true Dragon Warrior can read--" she paused a moment to see if Oogway gave anything away but the tortoise remained impassive. "--then there is no secret. As trite as it may be, we are all our own source of limitless potential and power."
Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] - SpaceBattles
2020年6月9日 · Oogway held out his free hand and closed his eyes. As Taylor watched, a few motes of golden light blinked into existence, dancing between his fingers. Taylor watched, rapt, as what looked like bodiless fireflies waved back and forth.
Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] - SpaceBattles
2020年6月9日 · Oogway stepped out of the coach, and the village was no longer observing calmly. Several bystanders rose from their relaxed positions, and a warning rang through Taylor's chi senses. Her normal ears heard gasps and murmuring, all of it directed towards the ancient tortoise. Oogway, for his part, seemed utterly unconcerned, as she'd have expected.
Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] - SpaceBattles
2020年6月9日 · Oogway's Little Owl works because it did something that most Worm fanfics don't: it gave Taylor an actual Mentor and a stable learning/living environment. Oogway is one of the four greatest Mentors of all time (alongside Yoda, Uncle Iroh, and Gandalf the Grey), and a massive positive influence.