Technické parametry - Olympus IMS
Produkty . Defektoskopy . Defektoskopy . Přenosné ultrazvukové defektoskopy; Přístroje Phased Array; Produkty pro zkoušky vířivými proudy; Produkty s technologií využívající soustavu snímačů vířivých proudů
BX51/BX52 - olympus-ims.com
Prodotti . Soluzioni NDT . Rilevatore di difetti . Rilevatori di difetti ad ultrasuoni portatili; Strumenti ad ultrasuoni phased array; Prodotti eddy current
PRECiV | 画像解析ソフトウエア | オリンパス株式会社
Videoscopio IPLEX GX/GT | Olympus IMS
Mediante le sonde di inserimento e le fonti di luci intercambiabili, un display touch screen da 8 pollici e le funzioni di imaging avanzate, il videoscopio IPLEX GX/GT assicura delle performance ottimali riguardo la versatilità, le funzioni di imaging e la facilità d'uso.
konventionellen Industriemikroskope von Olympus, deren codierte Funktionen, motorgesteuerte Objektivrevolver von Olympus und digitale Mikroskopkameras von Olympus.
Documentation for the OLYMPUS Stream software is made up of several parts: the Quick Setup Guide, this installation manual, the online help, the user's manual and the database manual. The Quick Setup Guide is delivered with your software.
Plan Apochromat Objective Lenses | MPLAPON | Olympus
Our MPLAPON plan apochromat objective lens series provides the highest level of chromatic correction and resolution capability available from Olympus.
Olympus Inspection Solutions—NDT, Microscopes, XRF, RVI
Olympus is a leading manufacturer of test and measurement solutions used in applications including aerospace, oil & gas, infrastructure, and automotive.
Produkty . Defektoskopy . Defektoskopy . Przenośne defektoskopy ultradźwiękowe; Urządzenia z głowicami sektorowymi (Phased Array) Produkty prądowirowe
DP Software License Agreement - Olympus IMS
the software includes olympus' computer program, associated printed materials, data and information, which are provided by a various way including but not limited to preinstalling, through floppy disks or cd-rom or network.
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