oiiotool: the OIIO Swiss Army Knife - OpenImageIO 3.1.0 …
The oiiotool program will read images (from any file format for which an ImageInput plugin can be found), perform various operations on them, and write images (in any format for which an ImageOutput plugin can be found). The oiiotool utility is invoked as follows:
Reading, writing, and processing images in a wide variety of file ...
Mission statement: OpenImageIO is a toolset for reading, writing, and manipulating image files of any image file format relevant to VFX / animation via a format-agnostic API with a feature set, scalability, and robustness needed for feature film production.
OpenImageIO 3.1.0 documentation - Read the Docs
OpenImageIO (OIIO) is a library for reading, writing, and processing images in a wide variety of file formats, using a format-agnostic API.
GitHub - opencai/oiio: OpenImageIO
Several command line image tools based on these classes, including oiiotool (command-line format conversion and image processing), iinfo (print detailed info about images), iconvert …
OpenImageIO - Wikipedia
OpenImageIO is an open source library for reading and writing images. Support for different image formats is realised through plugins. The project is distributed with a modified BSD license. Project OpenImageIO started as ImageIO - an API that was part of Gelato, the renderer software developed by nVidia. Work on ImageIO started in 2002.
Releases · AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenImageIO - GitHub
oiiotool new commands: --cryptomatte-colors, --demosaic, --buildinfo, --ocionamedtransform, --popbottom, --stackreverse, --stackclear, --stackextract; improved --for behavior for reverse direction. Lots of long-deprecated API calls have been …
oiiotool : the OIIO Swiss Army Knife - Read the Docs
2020年2月1日 · The oiiotool program will read images (from any file format for which an ImageInput plugin can be found), perform various operations on them, and write images (in any format for which an ImageOutput plugin can be found). The oiiotool utility is invoked as follows:
oiio: OpenImageIO - Gitee
Simple but powerful ImageInput and ImageOutput APIs that provide an abstraction for reading and writing image files of nearly any format, without the calling application needing to know any of the details of these file formats, and indeed without the calling application needing to be aware of which formats are available.
OpenImageIO,Release3.1.0 ANYKIND,eitherexpressorimplied. SeetheLicenseforthespecificlanguagegoverning permissionsandlimitationsundertheLicense ...
OpenImageIO TOP node - SideFX
Provides easy access to the OpenImageIO’s command line tool, also known as oiiotool, to perform operations on images such as color space conversion, color mapping, resizing, text overlay, and box overlay. This node creates work items that use the oiiotool command line program to manipulate images.