Meaning of 'Oh my' expresson - English Language Learners Stack …
2020年8月8日 · Oh, my dad! Oh, my heart! Oh, my word! or simply 'Oh, my!' From dictionary search, 'Oh my god' expresses surprise or asking for help. For example, 'Oh, my god' might mean I get so much surprised and I don't know what to do. Please, help me, god. But then, when it goes to the expression of 'Oh, my word', I don't know how I can even interpret it.
"Oh My gosh & "Oh my God"? [closed] - English Language …
oh my gosh. I've heard some people say "oh my gosh" instead of "Oh my God." Do these two mean the same thing? I searched the web and found an explanation, but I don't know if it is an valid answer or no: The explanation is: "The difference is that some people see oh my
When does a comma follow an exclamatory 'oh' or 'ah'?
As a general rule, I'd say commas are used in place of exclamation marks - i.e. when the "Oh" or "Ah" are being used as exclamations: Oh! I forgot my keys! Ah! Now I understand! Oh, I forgot my keys! Ah, now I understand! In contrast, commas look very out of place where the "Oh" or "Ah" is part of a flat idiom: Oh my gosh! Oh my God!?Oh, my gosh!
word usage - Using 'someone's goodness' as 'my goodness'
2015年12月14日 · My goodness is an euphemism invented in order hypocritically to avoid using the name of Our Lord in vain. In other words, it stands for "Oh my God!" In other words, it stands for "Oh my God!" Which is one of the most disgusting ways to defy the Third Commandment.
What is another word for “sh*t”? - English Language Learners …
2014年12月13日 · In my opinion, we can do just fine without having to say it at all. If you feel uncomfortable to say shit , but you want to say something anyway, you can try these: shoot , crap , damn , dang , drat , rats , damn it , dammit , blast , or hell .
"I see" versus "oh really" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2024年2月12日 · "oh really" could have a wide range of meanings: "oh really! that's so exciting!" — "oh really? I'm caught off guard, but it seems like good news" — "oh really? I find that surprising, and I'm concerned". It is semantically neutral, and so leaves a lot up to tone, shared history between the speakers, and other context.
"my" vs "mine" (adjectives vs. possessive ) - English Language …
2014年6月6日 · My question is how my and mine are different in usage. Mine is similar to my, but it cannot be used with a following noun the same way as my, i.e. it can't be put before a noun. This dog is mine. Mine question is how my and mine are different in usage. It may be easier if you think of mine as my X, where X is something already known to the ...
"Hello, This is" vs "My Name is" or "I am" in self introduction
2017年12月1日 · Having said that, I think there is a tinge of racism to not accept e.g. "Myself X" as proper English. My reason for this is no one says that calling a friend "mate" or "dude" is annoying or wrong english. They are just two words that evolved in 2 different countries which happen to speak English.
offensive language - Is "hell no!" impolite? - English Language ...
2017年4月13日 · Oh, is it out? Yes, it came out yesterday. Did you see it? Hell, no, I haven't seen it. I just told you, I didn't even know it had been released yet. That remark would be considered rude – not because of the word hell, but because it's said in a much sharper tone than was necessary. My coworker was merely being polite, and I started acting ...
punctuation - What is the " - " character on my keyboard?
2023年8月24日 · For example, I have a hyphenated surname: "Oh-Willeke" but lots of people you speak to a airports and banks and spelling my name while on a telephone call or in a courtroom do not know what the word "hyphen" means, and often confuse it with the word apostrophe (as in Oh'Willeke), since the O sound is often followed by an apostrophe in proper names.