OFEG - Ocean Facilities Exchange Group
OFEG represents Europe’s leading oceanographic research organisations and provides a forum to consider barter exchange and co-operation opportunities for the Global and Ocean Class research fleet. OFEG aims to maximise the overall scientific output using its state-of-the-art facilities in support of the worldwide oceanographic community.
OFEG - Background
Under the aegis of this agreement, the partners in 1996 established a permanent Working Group, now named the Ocean Facilities Exchange Group (OFEG). OFEG comprises the managers and planners of the respective fleet of scientific research ships and major marine facilities. To meet the agreement’s general objectives, OFEG has the goals:
冷疏影、王凡等: 我国海洋调查装备共享历程及存在的问题、对策 …
2023年6月3日 · 欧洲的海洋调查装备共享最初在几个海洋强国间展开,逐步形成了以欧洲海洋科学考察船队(Eurofleets)、欧洲海洋设施交换集团(Ocean Facilities Exchange Group,OFEG)共享计划为代表的欧洲国家间的海洋科学考察船与海洋调查装备的共享机制,这些共享机制也支撑了 ...
OFEG - About OFEG Tech
Introducing OFEG TECH. To aid the development of OFEG from a pure ship barter organisation to one that is also capable of delivering state of the art marine scientific facilities across all OFEG platforms, through interoperability of large equipment, adoption of common working practices, harmonised mechanisms, protocols and tools.
Ocean Facilities Exchange Group
OFEG represents Europe’s leading oceanographic research organisations and provides a forum to consider barter exchange and co-operation opportunities for the Global and Ocean Class research fleet. OFEG aims to maximise the overall scientific output using its state-of-the-art facilities in support of the worldwide oceanographic community.
Ocean Facilities Exchange Group (OFEG) - MyOceanGate
2019年11月5日 · OFEG aims to maximise the overall scientific output using its state-of-the-art facilities in support of the worldwide oceanographic community. OFEG comprises the managers and planners of the respective fleet of scientific research ships and major marine facilities.
OFEG provides scientists wider access to ships and equipment than is possible from their home national capabilities. The collective global OFEG footprint increases efficiency of fleet deployment, reduces passage times, reduces costs, and allows scientists access to a wider range of geographical areas and research equipment in a given year.
OFEG - Barter Ships
Each OFEG member operates its own fleet of research vessels for all types of research; coastal, arctic and deep sea. The ship classifications below have been used in previous studies by working groups of the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) and the European Science Foundation Marine Board.
15. 如图,⊙O的两条弦AB、CD互相垂直,垂足为E,且AB=CD. …
分析 (1)根据圆心角、弧、弦的关系先由AB=CD判断$\widehat{AB}$=$\widehat{CD}$,再得到$\widehat{AC}$=$\widehat{BD}$,从而判断AC=BD; (2)先证明四边形OFEG为矩形,连结OA、OD,如图,再根据垂径定理得到CF=DF,AG=BG,则利用CD=AB得到AG=DF,接着根据勾股定理计算OG=OF,然后 ...
Transverse tunnel/azimuthally “combi” bow thruster of 590 kW and a 350 kW stern tunnel thruster for Dynamic Positioning (DP) specification SP1, as well as a unique high-performance Becker-type rudder. Supports different disciplines (oceanography, fishery, seismic, geology, Rov’s, etc).