Home | OBLF Spectrometry
Welcome to OBLF. We develop, manufacture and distribute emission spectrometers for precise and quick element analysis of metals and alloys. Our systems are optimised to guarantee reliable production control and material testing in all areas where the composition of materials constitutes a decisive quality criterion.
GS 1000-II | OBLF Spectrometry
The GS 1000-II, the smallest member of the OBLF family, is a single matrix spark emission spectrometer for all standard applications. Thanks to its compact and solid construction as well as its simple operation, it is ideal for use in production environments like foundries, but also for the purpose of incoming goods and materials control.
Spark Spectrometer | OBLF Spectrometry
OBLF Spark Spectrometers. Our spectrometer models differ with regard to the number of matrices and elements that need to be determined.
Who we are | OBLF Spectrometry
Thanks to more than 40 years of experience in the fields of photonics and precision engineering, OBLF has by now become one of the world’s most important developers and manufacturers of stationary metal analysis spectrometers.
QSG 750-II | OBLF Spectrometry
Our QSG 750-II spark emission spectrometer can also be called OBLF’s flagship model. This single- or multi-matrix model is ideal for all applications demanding the lowest possible detection limits, the highest degree of reproducibility and additional …
QSN 750-II | OBLF Spectrometry
Our QSN 750-II model is a spark emission spectrometer that can be used as a single- or multi-matrix system thanks to its 750 mm vacuum optics.This results in a broad field of application, which not only covers the entire range of metal producing and processing enterprises, but also includes a large spectrum of options for material testers and testing institutes.
Stellenangebote | OBLF Spektrometrie
OBLF ist ein innovativer, weltweit führender Hersteller analytischer Mess-Systeme für die Materialuntersuchung. Seit mehr als 40 Jahren entwickelt OBLF optimale technologische Lösungen im Bereich Funkenemissionspektrometrie.
OBLF Spektrometrie
Willkommen bei OBLF. Wir entwickeln, produzieren und vertreiben Emissionsspektrometer zur präzisen und schnellen Elementanalyse von Metallen und Legierungen. Unsere Systeme sind optimiert für eine zuverlässige Produktionskontrolle und Materialüberprüfung überall dort, wo die Zusammensetzung ein entscheidendes Qualitätskriterium darstellt.
VeOS | OBLF Spectrometry
Featuring cutting-edge detector technology on the basis of semiconductor detectors that were specially developed for emission spectroscopy, OBLF's VeOS spark emission spectrometer enables versatile, flexible and quick analysis of all common metallic materials.
OS.5c | OBLF Spektrometrie
Das OBLF Spektrometer OS.5c gestattet die vielseitige, flexible und schnelle Materialanalyse aller gängigen metallischen Materialien mit Hilfe von Funkenentladungen. Das OS.5c verwendet dabei modernste Detektortechnologie zu attraktiven Kosten.