opml package - GitHub
opml.parse -- turns OPML text into a JavaScript structure representing the OPML. opml.stringify -- takes the JavaScript structure and turns it into OPML text. opml.htmlify -- a simple routine to …
Jackiexiao/my-rss-opml: 个人 RSS 订阅链接 - GitHub
feedly(全平台的RSS阅读器) 导入 rss.opml 这个文件。 ps: inoreader 我没用过; 强烈推荐 readwise reader! 非常好用,不过需要付费; 如果不会 ios 推荐使用 ego reader, 同样 导入 …
Online OPML editor and tools to view and manage feed lists easily
Manage your feed subscription lists more easily using a free online OPML editor with a simple and intuitive interface. View, edit, merge, clean, and organize your opml files online. Built to …
OPML: OPtimistic Machine Learning on Blockchain - GitHub
OPML enables off-chain AI model inference using optimistic approach with an on chain interactive dispute engine implementing fault proofs. For more in-depth information, refer to the project …
plenaryapp/awesome-rss-feeds: Awesome RSS feeds - GitHub
Awesome RSS feeds - A curated list of RSS feeds (and OPML files) used in Recommended Feeds and local news sections of Plenary - an RSS reader, article downloader and a podcast …
EuDs63/TinyTinyRSS-OPML-to-MD-Table - GitHub
获取解析和转换Tiny Tiny RSS的OPML文件,并将其格式化为Markdown表格的自动化操作 - EuDs63/TinyTinyRSS-OPML-to-MD-Table
GitHub - jadmadi/Go-OPML: Go-OPML: A high-performance CLI …
Go-OPML is a command-line tool that converts OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) files to JSON format and optionally fetches RSS feeds for podcasts listed in the OPML file. …
edavis/org-opml: Edit OPML files using Org mode in Emacs - GitHub
It defines an OPML backend using Org mode’s export dispatcher. opml2org.py converts OPML to Org mode. It’s a Python script. org-opml.el handles all the necessary configuration. Also, as ox …
GitHub - fnya/OPMLCore.NET: OPML Parser for .NET Core (C#)
OPML Parser for .NET Core (C#). Contribute to fnya/OPMLCore.NET development by creating an account on GitHub.
lotosbin/opml-list: 收集 整理 opml 列表 - GitHub
index.js 中会下载 收录的 opml 文件, 合并所有opml文件为一个 opml文件; 重新分类所有feed,生成分类/主题的 opml文件; 扩展opml协议支持rsshub使用的模板路径的订阅源,可以动态展开 …