oauth 2.0 - Can Nginx Ingress implement a client credentials grant ...
2024年11月15日 · I'm trying to implement below Client Credentials Grant workflow in k8s with Nginx Inress, Keycloak, and OAuth2-proxy: ClientApp (sends client_ID/secret) -> to KeyCloak and receives access_token. ClientApp (sends application-request) -> to Nginx Ingress To access the API behind. Nginx Ingress (maybe with help of OAuth2 Proxy) Verifies the access ...
SE's OAuth workflow in Emacs - Stack Overflow
2015年5月20日 · In short, this will open the auth url in the client browser, ask the user to allow the app, and then redirect to the /oauth/login_success url as described in the docs (implicit auth). This code prompts the user to paste the login_success URL complete, then parses and saves the access_token which can then be used for subsequent calls to the api.
How to implement the OAuth2 Auth_Code flow? - Stack Overflow
2017年11月16日 · Implementation of two legged OAuth 2.0 for WebApi. 3 OAuth 2.0 for MVC Flow. 23 How to use OAuth 2 - OAuth ...
How to implement refresh token workflow into OAUTH workflow …
2016年7月15日 · I am new to OAUTH. I have been working on implementing OAUTH into my MVC c# application to access ping federate. After much research, and failed attempt at using the ping federate nuget, I came across this link that finally gave some clarity to the full process with a coding example. I have came across much generic examples of the endpoints i ...
Two Legged OAuth Workflow - Stack Overflow
2011年4月9日 · 2-legged OAuth removes a separate authN/authZ server that talks directly to the client that is otherwise present in 3-legged OAuth. It certainly does involve (access) tokens. The client device would receive a token and could use that until it expires.
OAuth 2.0 Workflow for Existing Desktop Application
2021年5月24日 · With this type of setup each component does OAuth in the standard way and is easy to understand. Once built, your apps will have the best future options and will also do well in security reviews. It is common for systems to have a 'web back end' that is too focused on web clients, and that works less well for mobile / desktop apps.
OAuth workflow without redirect URL in QT - Stack Overflow
2020年3月4日 · I have a QT desktop application. I want to implement the OAuth workflow using inbuilt QT functionality. I ran the redditclient example provided by QT. This requires us to provide a redirect URL which in the example is as below: Is there a way to get the authorization code without showing this redirect URL?
Laravel Socialite: Oauth 2 Rejection Workflow - Stack Overflow
I am trying out the "reject" workflow when a user cancels the OAuth Authorization request from the Social (LinkedIn in this case) page ClientException in RequestException.php line 111: Client e...
What's the difference between OpenID and OAuth? - Stack Overflow
2009年7月6日 · OpenID provides an identity assertion while OAuth is more generic in the form of an access token which can then be used to "ask the OAuth provider questions". However, they each support different features: OpenID - the most important feature of OpenID is its discovery process. OpenID does not require hard coding each the providers you want to ...
OAuth 2.0 authorize workflow for third-party apps
2016年10月13日 · On the other hand, asking the user credentials every hour or so would be an UX nightmare so OAuth 2.0 has the notion of refresh tokens which will normally have a longer lifetime allowing the application to request a new access token without requiring user intervention.