BNL | National Synchrotron Light Source II
As one of the newest, most advanced synchrotron facilities in the world, NSLS-II enables its growing research community to study materials with nanoscale resolution and exquisite sensitivity by providing cutting-edge capabilities.
BNL | About NSLS-II - Brookhaven National Laboratory
As one of the newest, most advanced synchrotron light sources in the world, NSLS-II enables its growing research community to study materials with nanoscale resolution and exquisite sensitivity by providing cutting-edge capabilities.
BNL | NSLS-II Accelerator Division - Brookhaven National Laboratory
To create its intense ultrabright light, NSLS-II has an advanced particle accelerator complex that spins electrons around its half-mile-long ring at nearly the speed of light. NSLS-II’s accelerators are comprised of many complex engineering systems.
BNL | NSLS-II | Beamline Directory | Home
Brookhaven Science Associates. Brookhaven Science Associates manages and operates Brookhaven National Laboratory on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science.
BNL | NSLS-II User Guide - Brookhaven National Laboratory
The NSLS-II User Guide is a step-by-step manual to help you apply for beam time, and—once accepted—how to get ready for your experiment, what to do when you get here, and how to report when you leave.
BNL | NSLS-II | Operating Status - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookhaven Science Associates. Brookhaven Science Associates manages and operates Brookhaven National Laboratory on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science.
BNL | National Synchrotron Light Source II | First Light 10th …
In 2024, NSLS-II hosts a record-setting 2,340 unique users, a more than 20% increase over the prior record in 2023. With 29 unique beamlines, multimodal capabilities, and advanced remote operations, NSLS-II is able to host more science than ever before.
BNL | NSLS-II | Staff Directory - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Manager, Environment, Safety, Health and Quality National Synchrotron Light Source II. NSLS-II Management (631) 344-7936, [email protected]
BNL | NSLS-II | Synchrotron Techniques & Methods
NSLS-II's beamlines and experimental stations offer high-throughput robot-driven sample processing, coherent x-ray scattering, unprecedented energy resolution, or hard x-ray microscopy with nanometer spatial resolution.
BNL | NSLS-II Beamline Map - Brookhaven National Laboratory
NSLS-II Beamline Map. Download .jpg Download PDF Beamline Directory. NSLS-II beamline diagram based on current funding assumptions. Synchrotron Techniques & Methods. Bioimaging. XFM: 4-BM: X-ray Fluorescence Microprobe (Tender and Hard) QCT: 16-BM: Quantitative Cellular Tomography 1: Complex Scattering. ISR: