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Now TV網頁版 - Now Player
「Now TV應用程式」讓您隨時隨地觀看已訂購的節目及操控機頂盒而不需另外收費。非Now TV客户亦可以透過「Now TV應用程式」觀看免費直播頻道。
My Account - Now TV
When you click "My Account" on the "Support" page, you will find a list of options including "Bills and Payments", "Login with Now ID", "Manage Devices", "Check Subscribed Channels", "Service PIN / Parental Lock" and "Service Termination".
Now 新聞
Now.com - 免費即時資訊網站
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Login with Now ID | Now TV
Your Now ID is the email address and password associated with your Now TV account. Simply login to Now TV's apps and services on your computer, smartphones, or tablets with Now ID to enjoy to binge-worthy TV Shows on Now TV.
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Now TV Website - All Channels
Now TV offers the widest range of local and international content. Its quality self-produced content includes two news channels and a diverse line up of entertainment and infotainment programmes. This is complemented by leading Asian and international content and brands across news, entertainment, information and sports genres.
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Now TV Website
Some content on Now TV App are not suitable for viewing by persons below 18 years of age (“minors”) as they contain adult content or content meant for mature audiences (“Mature Content”).