4.1: Crystalline and Noncrystalline Solids - Geosciences LibreTexts
Some mineral-like substances are noncrystalline, also described as amorphous, which means they have a random atomic structure. Natural volcanic glass, obsidian, is an example.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier
Submissions on chemical, electronic, optical and mechanical properties of glasses, amorphous semiconductors and metals, sol-gel materials, the liquid state of these solids and the processes by which they are formed are particularly welcomed.
Amorphous solid - Wikipedia
In condensed matter physics and materials science, an amorphous solid (or non-crystalline solid) is a solid that lacks the long-range order that is a characteristic of a crystal.
非晶质(amorphous substance)又称“ 玻璃质 ”。 组成物质的原子或离子不呈规则排列,因而不具格子构造的固态物质,例如,玻璃、塑料,地质作用中由火山熔岩流快速冷凝而成的黑曜岩、珍珠岩,以及因受放射性元素蜕变的影响而品格遭受破坏的某些褐帘石、烧绿石等,都属于非晶质。 [1-2] 非晶质没有固定的熔点,受热时逐渐软化而最后变成流体。 非晶质物体因内部不具格子构造,不能自发地成长为几何多面体,因而被称为无定形体。 与结晶质相比,非晶质是不稳定的,它 …
What is the Difference Between Crystalline and Noncrystalline …
May 23, 2024 · The basic difference between crystalline and noncrystalline structures is their atomic arrangement. Crystalline structure has atoms arranged in order whereas noncrystalline materials have atoms with no periodic arrangement.
斯坦福大学Science | 超薄非晶NbP半金属的表面传导与电阻率降低
近日,Science在线发表了斯坦福大学Eric Pop和韩国亚洲大学Il-Kwon Oh课题组的研究论文,题目为「Surface conduction and reduced electrical resistivity in ultrathin noncrystalline NbP semimetal」。 从用于密集逻辑和存储器的金属互连到神经形态和自旋电子器件,超大规模 纳米电子学 需要具有低电阻的超薄导体。 低电阻允许较低的电压降和较低的信号延迟,从而降低系统级的功耗。 电阻与电阻率成正比,但由于 电子表面散射,传统金属的电阻率在比电子平均自由 …
非晶态材料也叫无定形或玻璃态材料,这是一大类刚性 固体,具有和晶态物质可相比较的高 硬度 和高 粘滞系数 (一般在10泊,即10帕·秒以上,是典型 流体 的粘滞系数的10倍)。 非晶态材料也叫无定形或 玻璃态 材料,这是一大类刚性固体,具有和晶态物质可相比较的高硬度和高粘滞系数(一般在10泊,即10帕·秒以上,是典型流体的粘滞系数的10倍)。 但其组成的 原子 、分子的空间排列不呈现周期性和平移对称性,晶态的长程有序受到破坏;只是由于原子间的相互关联作 …
NON-CRYSTALLINE中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典
A non-crystalline object or substance is not a crystal (= a solid consisting of atoms or molecules that are arranged in a regular structure) or made of up crystals. In a non-crystalline material, …
Crystalline Solids vs. Noncrystalline Solids - This vs. That
Noncrystalline solids, also known as amorphous solids, lack the long-range order and regularity found in crystalline solids. Instead, their atomic or molecular arrangement is more random and disordered. This lack of structure gives rise to distinct properties that differentiate noncrystalline solids from their crystalline counterparts.
Chapter 2: Structure: Crystalline, Amorphous, Non-Crystalline, …
We are going to focus on the 6 crystal systems: triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, hexagonal, and cubic and how to describe the unit cell, the primitive lattice vectors, and interaxial angles. 2.3.1 Crystallographic Directions: When discussing crystals we will also have to specify crystallographic directions and planes.
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