NGC 2440 - Wikipedia
NGC 2440 is a planetary nebula, one of many in our galaxy. Its central star, HD 62166, [1] is possibly the hottest known white dwarf, about 400,000 °F (200,000 °C). The nebula is situated in the constellation Puppis. It was discovered by William Herschel on March 4, 1790.
Bow Tie Nebula - NASA
2008年3月23日 · Planetary nebula NGC 2440 has an intriguing bow-tie shape in this stunning view from space. The nebula is composed of material cast off by a dying sun-like star as it enters its white dwarf phase of evolution.
APOD: 2023 December 24 – NGC 2440: Cocoon of a New White …
In the featured cocoon, the planetary nebula designated NGC 2440 contains one of the hottest white dwarf stars known. The white dwarf can be seen as the bright orange dot near the image center. Our Sun will eventually become a white dwarf butterfly, but not for another 5 billion years .
NGC 2440 - Science@NASA
1999年10月7日 · NGC 2440 is another planetary nebula ejected by a dying star, but it has a much more chaotic structure than NGC 2346. The central star of NGC 2440 is one of the hottest known, with a surface temperature near 200,000 degrees Celsius. The complex structure of …
NGC 2440 - ESA/Hubble
NGC 2440 is another planetary nebula ejected by a dying star, but it has a much more chaotic structure than NGC 2346. The central star of NGC 2440 is one of the hottest known, with a surface temperature near 200,000 degrees Celsius.
Insect Nebula (NGC 2440) - Deep⋆Sky Corner
NGC 2440 is a very complex planetary nebula (PN) about 1600 light-years away. An inner, bright area with two condensations can be seen, which is embedded in a fainter, much larger nebula structure (halo).
NGC 2440 - Bow Tie Nebula (Eddie Bagwell) - AstroBin
Celestial hemisphere: Southern · Constellation: Puppis (Pup) · Contains: HD62167 · NGC 2440
Albino Butterfly Nebula (NGC2440) (DoubleStarPhotography
NGC 2440, also known as the Albino Butterfly nebula, is an very small (~10 arc minutes) but bright planetary nebula. The central star of NGC 2440, HD 62166, is one of the hottest known, with a surface temperature near 200,000 degrees Celsius.
NGC 2440 - AstroBin
The central star of NGC 2440 is one of the hottest known, with a surface temperature near 200,000 degrees Celsius. The complex structure of the surrounding nebula suggests to some astronomers that the...
NGC 2440 - stars.astro.illinois.edu
Again like NGC 7027, NGC 2440 is one of the most highly excited nebulae known. It is so bright from the exceedingly hot (219,000 Kelvin, a near record) central star that the star becomes very hard to see against the nebular background.