Sumitomo Type 62 - Wikipedia
The Sumitomo NTK-62[6] (62式7.62mm機関銃, Rokuni-shiki Nana-ten-rokuni-miri Kikanjū) is the standard issue general-purpose machine gun of the Japan Self-Defense Forces. It's also known as the Type 62 7.62mm Machine Gun or the Type 62 GPMG. [7] When first issued, it fulfilled both light and medium machine gun support throughout the JGSDF.
住友62式7.62毫米機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
62式是一挺 長行程活塞氣動式 通用機槍,可以通過氣體調節器調整氣流量以改變 發射速率。 而槍機部份採用的閉鎖機構是被稱為「前擺傾斜槍機閉鎖機構」的特殊傾斜式閉鎖機構。 為了減輕重量,機匣是由壓制成形的 钢 板所製造。 矩形截面的箱型 機匣 是由 鉚釘 裝配而成。 約1985年(昭和60年)時,一挺住友62式7.62毫米機槍的價格為 ¥ 2,000,000。 [10] 由於生產當中大量使用 衝壓 加工,在當時可以高生產效率而自豪。 [8] 研發當時,該槍就已經具有很高的 精度 和很高的 …
住友62式7.62毫米机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
住友62式7.62毫米机枪(62式7.62mm機関銃,Rokuni-shiki Nana-ten-rokuni-miri Kikanjū) 是一款 弹链 供弹及 气动式操作 的轻重两用 中型 通用机枪,由 日本 日特金属工业枪械工学设计师 河村正弥 博士于1954年至1962年间研制,并且由 住友重机械工业 所生产,并曾作为 陆上 ...
【翻译】日本62式轻机枪介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
住友NTK-62式轻机枪(Sumitomo NTK-62,62式7.62mm機関銃 Rokuni-shiki Nana-ten-rokuni-miri Kikanjū)是日本自卫队使用的标准通用机枪。 尽管该枪在自卫队中的位置已基本被住友重工仿制的M249机枪取代,但该武器仍然发挥着辅助作用,因为它仍然被用作各种装甲车辆(包括坦克和装甲运兵车)的同轴武器,同时也作为一种中型支援机枪存在。 跟日本战后大部分日本武器一样,该枪从未出口。 (谁要这破枪啊) 正在展示中的62式轻机枪. 类型:通用机枪. 原产地:日 …
Sumitomo NTK-62: A general-purpose machine gun with unusual features
Nov 11, 2021 · The Sumitomo NTK-62 is the standard machine gun of the Japanese Self-Defense Force and has some unusual features. It is also known as a Type 62 general-purpose machine gun. It is used on a bipod as the squad automatic weapon and a tripod as a heavy-support weapon. Design
Sumitomo Type 62 - Military Wiki
The Sumitomo NTK-62 (62式7.62mm機関銃 Rokuni-shiki Nana-ten-rokuni-miri Kikanjū?) is the standard issue GPMG of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, known as the Type 62 GPMG.
住友62式7.62毫米機槍 - Wikiwand
住友62式7.62毫米机枪 是一款弹链供弹及气动式操作的轻重两用中型通用机枪,由日本日特金属工业枪械工学设计师河村正弥博士于1954年至1962年间研制,并且由住友重机械工业所生产,并曾作为陆上自卫队普通科部队(步兵)制式武器,发射7.62×51毫米北约口径 ...
Sumitomo NTK-62 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Sumitomo NTK-62 (Japanese: 62式7.62mm機関銃, Rokuni-shiki Nana-ten-rokuni-miri Kikanjū, lit. Type 62 7.62mm Machine Gun) is a 7.62x51mm NATO calibre general purpose machine gun of Japanese origin manufactured by Sumitomo Heavy Industries. The NTK-62 was designed in 1954 at Nittoku Metal Industry...
Sumitomo Type 62 (NTK-62): Photos, History, Specification
The Type 62 has been largely replaced by the M249 as the squad support weapon of the JGSDF. Made by Sumitomo under local license, the M249 is a replica of the excellent Belgian FN Minimi. The Type 62 continues to be used as a general-purpose machine gun, medium machine gun, and vehicle-mounted machine gun.
Sumitomo Type 62 - atozwiki.com
The Sumitomo NTK-62 (62式7.62mm機関銃, Rokuni-shiki Nana-ten-rokuni-miri Kikanjū) is the standard issue general-purpose machine gun of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, known as the Type 62 GPMG. When first issued it fulfilled both light and medium machine gun support throughout the JGSDF.