NR4A2 Gene - GeneCards | NR4A2 Protein | NR4A2 Antibody
Dec 25, 2024 · NR4A2 (Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 4 Group A Member 2) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with NR4A2 include Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Language Impairment And Early-Onset Dopa-Responsive Dystonia-Parkinsonism and Parkinson's Disease .
Nuclear receptor 4A2 - Wikipedia
The nuclear receptor 4A2 (NR4A2) (nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 2) also known as nuclear receptor related 1 protein (NURR1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NR4A2 gene. [5] NR4A2 is a member of the nuclear receptor family of …
The orphan nuclear receptor NR4A2 is part of a p53–microRNA
Apr 28, 2016 · Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 2 (NR4A2) is an orphan nuclear receptor that is over-expressed in cancer and promotes cell proliferation, migration, transformation and...
Pharmacological Research︱重庆医科大学谢鹏团队揭示核受体相关蛋白Nr4a2 …
Apr 7, 2023 · 核受体相关蛋白1(Nurr1,又称Nr4a2)属于核受体4A亚家族,由Nr4a1、Nr4a2、Nr4a3三种亚型组成。Nr4a2是一种转录因子,在中枢神经系统的不同区域都有表达,它与c-Fos一样被认为是即早基因,也受神经元活动的调节。
Molecular Insights into NR4A2(Nurr1): an Emerging Target for ... - PubMed
NR4A2 is a nuclear receptor and a transcription factor, with distinctive physiological features. In the cell nuclei of the central nervous system, it is widely expressed and identified as a crucial regulator of dopaminergic (DA) neuronal differentiation, survival, and maintenance.
Nuclear receptor 4A2 (NR4A2) is a druggable target for glioblastomas
We demonstrate for the first time that NR4A2 is pro-oncogenic in GBM and thus a potential druggable target for patients with tumors expressing this receptor. Moreover, our bis-indole-derived NR4A2 antagonists represent a novel class of anti-cancer agents with potential future clinical applications f …
Nuclear Receptor 4A (NR4A) Family – Orphans No More - PMC
The orphan nuclear receptors NR4A1, NR4A2 and NR4A3 are immediate early genes induced by multiple stressors, and the NR4A1 receptors play an important role in maintaining cellular homeostasis and disease. There is increasing evidence for the role of ...
NR4A2 nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 2
NR4A2 is regulated by gastrin and influences cellular responses of gastric adenocarcinoma cells. High NR4A2 expression in gastric cancer cells confers chemoresistance, attenuates 5-fluorouracil-induced apoptosis, and predicts an unfavorable survival, especially for those who received chemotherapy.
Role of the Orphan Nuclear Receptor NR4A Family in T-Cell …
Feb 1, 2021 · The nuclear orphan receptors NR4A1, NR4A2, and NR4A3 are immediate early genes that are induced by various signals. They act as transcription factors and their activity is not regulated by ligand binding and are thus regulated via their expression levels. Their expression is transiently induc …
核受体亚家族 4 A 组成员 2(NR4A2)基因 | MCE
该基因编码类固醇-甲状腺激素-类视黄醇受体超家族的成员。 编码的蛋白质可以充当转录因子。 该基因的突变与多巴胺能功能障碍相关的疾病有关,包括帕金森病、精神分裂症和躁狂抑郁症。 该基因的失调可能与类风湿性关节炎有关。 已经描述了选择性剪接的转录本变体,但尚未确定它们的生物学有效性。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月] This gene encodes a member of the steroid-thyroid hormone-retinoid receptor superfamily. The encoded protein may act as a transcription factor.