English translation of 尼姑 ( nigu / nígū ) - nun in Chinese
尼姑 ( nigu / nígū ) is composed of these characters: 尼 (ni) , 姑 (gu) The traditional Chinese characters of nígū are identical with the modern (simplified) characters displayed above. Topic
尼姑 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Oct 7, 2024 · Although this term is the most common way to refer to Buddhist nuns, some people consider it offensive because of connotations with 三姑六婆 (sāngūliùpó). Terms like 比丘尼 (bǐqiūní), 尼師 / 尼师 and 女尼 are recommended.
Artists create colorful, beautiful sculpture 'clay coo-coo' in …
Jan 12, 2015 · Clay coo-coo (Chinese: ni gu gu), a sort of clay sculpture, earned its name because it makes different sounds when people play it with the mouth. According to folklore experts, the sculpture enjoys a strong artistic charm of folk custom and is regarded as the living fossil for historical research.
Nigu: 7 definitions - Wisdom Library
Sep 14, 2021 · Discover the meaning of nigu in the context of Sanskrit from relevant books on Exotic India. 1) [verb] to get (a danger, evil) removed, warded off. 2) [verb] to lose; to come to be without. 3) [verb] to leave; to abandon. 4) [verb] to remove or prevent (an evil, danger, etc.). 5) [verb] (a danger, peril, etc.) to be removed.
泥塑(浚县泥咕咕) - 百度百科
浚县泥咕咕是中原地区原始鸟崇拜的物化形态,是农业文明与民俗文化的衍生品,其始于远古,兴于隋唐,其形体较小,大的不足20厘米,小的只有4至5厘米,因其尾部有两小孔,吹时发出“咕咕”的声音,泥咕咕的名称由此而来。 黎阳镇杨圯屯是浚县泥咕咕的主要产地,其主要作品有历史人物、戏曲人物、十二属相、小动物、飞禽、骑马人等。 [1-2] 2006年5月20日,泥塑(浚县泥咕咕)经中华人民共和国国务院批准列入 第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录,遗产编号:Ⅶ-47。 …
ni gu - Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary - Tsadra …
This is the RYI Dictionary content as presented on the site http://rywiki.tsadra.org/, which is being changed fundamentally and will become hard to use within the GoldenDict application.
出家人 - 百度百科
尼姑 (比丘尼)是指归入佛门,受持具足戒的女子。 五众、七众之一。 比丘尼为梵文Bhikssuni的音译,亦译作比呼尼、苾刍尼、备刍尼等。 意译为乞士女、除女、除馑女或薰女;亦称 沙门尼 或简称尼、尼僧。 尊称应为:“法师”,表示尊其佛法造诣高深。 出家人信仰佛教。 本来,印度以尼(ni)音,代表女性,有尊贵的意思,不限佛教的出家女性所专用。 佛教的出家女性,小的叫 沙弥尼,大的叫 比丘尼,意思是女沙弥及女比丘。 到了中国,每以未嫁的处女称为姑,故将佛教 …
Kalu Rinpoche | Vajradhara Ling 2024 – The Five Jewels of Niguma
“rtsa ba ni gu chos drug” [The roots: The Six Yogas of Niguma – Nigu Chö Druk], “sdong po phyag chen ga’u ma” [The trunk: The Mahamudra of the Amulet Box – phyag chen ga’u ma], “yal kha lam khyer rnam gsum” [The branches: The Three Ways of Carrying Realization on the Path],
尼姑 - Buddhist nun - ní gū | Definition | ChinesePod.com
English - Chinese Dictionary | Meaning of 尼姑 in English: Buddhist nun | ChinesePod.com
尼姑 (ní gū) Definition & Meaning - What does 尼姑 mean
The Chinese translation of 尼姑 is Buddhist nun .
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