NGC 772 - Wikipedia
NGC 772 (also known as Arp 78 or the Fiddlehead Galaxy [3]) is a large unbarred spiral galaxy approximately 106 million light-years away in the constellation Aries. It was discovered on 29 November 1785 by German-British astronomer William Herschel .
NGC 772 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 772,也称作 Arp 78,是 白羊座 的一個模糊的 漩渦星系,距离地球大约1.3亿 光年。 NGC 772與超新星SN 2003hl和2003iq、 小行星6223。 NGC 772的直径约20万光年,是 银河系 的两倍大小 [3],其周围有若干个 衛星星系 ——包括矮 椭圆星系 NGC 770 ——其施加于NGC 772 潮汐力 很可能导致了后者发展出了一条非常长的 外螺旋臂。 ^ Strong-Arming a Galaxy. NOIRLab. [30 January 2023]. (原始内容 存档 于2024-12-19).
NGC 772 - 百度百科
NGC 772 (Arp 78)是一个无棒 螺旋星系,距离地球约1.3亿光年 。 是 白羊座 的一个模糊的 漩涡星系。 这是白羊座里最亮的一个星系,在黑暗的夜晚,使用6英寸 (15厘米)的望远镜可以看见它,按照哈柏星系分类法,是一个典型的 棒旋星系。 NGC 772的直径约20万光年,是银河系的两倍大小,其周围有若干个 卫星星系 ——包括 矮椭圆星系 NGC 770 ——其施加于NGC 772潮汐力很可能导致了后者发展出了一条非常长的外螺旋臂。 Halton Arp在他的特殊星系地图集中包含 …
Hubble Spots a Curious Spiral - NASA Science
Nov 15, 2019 · This galaxy, a spiral galaxy named NGC 772, is no exception. It actually has much in common with our home galaxy, the Milky Way. Each boasts a few satellite galaxies, small galaxies that closely orbit and are gravitationally bound to their parent galaxies.
NGC 772: 蕨菜星系 | NASA中文
Mar 12, 2025 · 位于白羊座方向、编录号为NGC 772和Arp 78的蕨菜星系,直径超过20万光年,座落在银河繁星的后方约1亿光年远之处。 不过,在这幅 主题影像 里,蕨菜星系看似还有另一个曳着弥漫长尾的伴侣– 沃夫-哈灵顿彗星 。
APOD: 2025 March 12 – NGC 772: The Fiddlehead Galaxy
The Fiddlehead spiral galaxy likely gets its distorted spiral appearance from a gravitational interaction with its close-by elliptical companion NGC 770, seen just below. Cataloged as NGC 772 and Arp 78, the Fiddlehead spans over 200,000 light years, is a nearby 100 million light years beyond the stars of our Milky Way galaxy, and is visible ...
Distant Luminosity - Astrophotographer Collective
NGC 772, located within the Aries constellation, emerges as a celestial marvel situated at a staggering distance of 130 million light-years from earth. This spiral galaxy, bedecked with resplendent characteristics, not only enthralls with its aesthetic grandeur but also beckons scientific inquiry.
Hanson Astronomy Photos-NGC 772 (Arp 78)
It is an unbarred spiral galaxy 130 million light years away in Aries. The unusual shape and over arching spiral arm are the result of interaction with neighboring galaxies such as NGC 770. Faint tidal streams stretching out from the outer fringes of NGC 772 can clearly be seen.
NGC 772 (Arp 78) in Aries - Constellation Guide
NGC 772 (Arp 78) is an unbarred spiral galaxy located in the direction of Aries constellation. It is approximately 130 million light years from Earth. Two supernovae were seen in the galaxy within three weeks in 2003, SN 2003 hl and SN 2003 iq. The galaxy’s coordinates are 01h 59m 19.6s (right ascension) and +19°00’27” (declination).
每日天文一图(北京天文馆镜像) - bjp.org.cn
Mar 14, 2025 · 位于白羊座的蕨菜星系被编录为NGC 772 和 Arp 78,跨度20万光年,距离银河系约1亿光年。 然而,在这张图像中,蕨菜星系似乎还有一个“伙伴”——一颗拥有长长模糊彗尾的彗星:沃尔夫-哈灵顿彗星(43P/Wolf-Harrington)。