NGC 559 - Wikipedia
NGC 559 (also known as Caldwell 8) is an open cluster and Caldwell object in the constellation Cassiopeia. It shines at magnitude +9.5. Its celestial coordinates are RA 01 h 29.5 m, dec …
NGC 559 - Open Cluster in Cassiopeia | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 559 is a Open Cluster in the Cassiopeia constellation. NGC 559 is situated close to the northern celestial pole and, as such, it is visible for most part of the year from the northern …
NGC 559 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 559 是仙后座的一個疏散星团,它看起来小而紧凑。此星团约有120颗成员星,其中最亮的一颗是一颗9等星。 此外,这个星团旁大约10角分的地方有一个超新星遗迹g127.1+0.5。但它 …
Open Cluster NGC 559 | Deep⋆Sky Corner
The cluster NGC 559 is located in the constellation Cassiopeia. The best viewing time is January to December when the in Europe circumpolar constellation is at its highest. Charts created …
NGC 559 - open cluster in Cassiopeia - IRIDA Observatory
Fairly compact and rich, with irregular edges, the open cluster NGC 559 (or Caldwell 8) contains about 150 stars, forty of which are of twelfth magnitude. Its distance is estimated at about …
NGC 559 (Caldwell 8): A Small Flying V Cluster in Cassiopeia
Nov 18, 2022 · NGC 559, also number eight in the Caldwell collection, is an open star cluster in the constellation Cassiopeia. Backyard astronomers in the northern hemisphere will have the …
NGC 559 - skyledge.net
NGC 559 is one of many open clusters found in the rich star fields that pass through Cassiopeia. It is not as bright as other nearby clusters such as Messier 103, but it is a nice distinct group of …
Caldwell 8 (NGC 559) | Casseopeia Constellation | Go Astronomy
Caldwell 8 (NGC 559) is a open cluster located within the constellation Casseopeia. C8 is best viewed during Fall, is magnitude 9.5*, and can be viewed with large binoculars. It is 4' in size. …
NGC 559 Caldwell 8 | open cluster in Cassiopeia | New General …
< NGC List NGC 559 Caldwell 8. NGC 559 is a open cluster located in the constellation of Cassiopeia. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the …
NGC 559 (Caldwell 8) star hop - Skyledge
NGC 559 is a small but rich open cluster in Cassiopeia, about 7 arcminutes in diameter. It includes about 150 stars, many of which can be seen in a typical amateur telescope. It stands …