NGC 520 - Wikipedia
NGC 520, also known as the Flying Ghost, [5] is a pair of colliding spiral galaxies about 105 million light-years away in the constellation Pisces. [6] They were discovered by astronomer William Herschel on 13 December 1784. [7]
NGC 520 | ESA/Hubble - www.spacetelescope.org
2008年4月24日 · NGC 520 is one of the brightest galaxy pairs on the sky, and can be observed with a small telescope toward the constellation of Pisces, the Fish, having the appearance of a comet. It is about 100 million light-years away and about 100,000 light-years across.
NGC 520 (Tom Harrison) - AstroBin
NGC520 is a pair of interacting galaxies seen in the direction of the Constellation Pices between 100-120 Million Light-Years distant.
NGC 520 - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
2008年4月24日 · NGC 520 is one of the brightest galaxy pairs on the sky, and can be observed with a small telescope toward the constellation of Pisces, the Fish, having the appearance of a comet. It is about 100 million light-years away and about 100,000 light-years across.
ESA Science & Technology - NGC 520 - European Space Agency
NGC 520 is the product of a collision between two disc galaxies that started 300 million years ago. It exemplifies the middle stages of the merging process: the discs of the parent galaxies have merged together, but the nuclei have not yet coalesced.
NGC 520 - Astronomy Magazine
2024年1月1日 · Although this deep-sky object is cataloged as NGC 520, it’s actually a pair of interacting spiral galaxies in the constellation Pisces the Fish. German-born English astronomer William Herschel...
NGC 520, Interacting Spiral Galaxies - Kopernik Observatory
2003年1月14日 · As late as the 1960s Hubble, Holmberg, and others considered NGC 520 as an "exploding galaxy", but Astronomers now believe that it is a pair of closely interacting and possibly colliding spiral galaxies, seen edge-on.
NGC 520 ou Arp 157 (Los_Calvos) - AstroBin
Arp 157 (NGC 520, UGC 966, VV 231 and others) is a galaxy train wreck. Arp has this one in his ‘Disturbed with interior absorption’ class. This irregular galaxy is the result of the merger of two spirals approximately 105 million light-years away in Pisces.
NGC 520 - AstroBin
NGC 520, also known as the "Flying Ghost", is a pair of colliding spiral galaxies located in the constellation Pisces, about 105 million light-years from Earth. The system's main component is a galactic disk that is viewed edge-on, making it appear faint in optical wavelengths.
NGC 520 - NOIRLab
2023年10月18日 · A galactic collision of two galaxies which began more than 300 million years ago, NGC 520 is actually made up of two disk galaxies which will eventually merge together to form one larger, more massive system.