Power armor in the NCR? : r/falloutlore - Reddit
Nov 8, 2020 · The NCR DOES have functioning power armor but it’s likely relegated to the best of best of the NCR army. Including fallout 4’s version of PA, you need fusion cores to run it. The …
How does NCR salvaged power armor fit into the lore now that
Also worth noting, we do see a fully active suit of power armor in service to the NCR. The Sierra Power Armor. And Hanlon makes a comment that Oliver and Kimball keep Power Armor …
Thoughts, commentary, and questions on NCR Salvaged Power …
Jan 31, 2021 · The salvaged power armor is a weird gameplay/lore interaction that never really made much sense. Without knowing the developers' actual intent, thoughts on the matter: It's …
Power Armor or Ranger? : r/OldWorldBlues - Reddit
Jul 23, 2022 · NCR power armour will never beat the brotherhood power armour, in a straight up dick measuring contest the brotherhood will always have superior weapons and armour. Thats …
Why did the NCR surrender the salvaged power armor to the BOS …
The Brotherhood is also licking their own wounds. On the end, both gain much from reforming the alliance, seeing as the Brotherhood still holds knowledge the NCR does not grasp (ie: power …
Why does the NCR even bother with the power armor? : …
Also, Power armor is more effective than just metal, as the metal armor and raider armor in game is just metal strapped to outfits, and it isn't nearly as effective as the NCR power armor. Power …
Is it just me or is NCR Power Armor one of the most worthless
All Salvaged NCR power armor is, as the name says, salvaged from dead Brotherhood members. Meaning that the armor was shot to shit in order to kill its original wearer, which would in turn …
The NCR and fallout 4/76’s power armor mechanics : r/falloutlore
Nov 8, 2019 · "The scorched Sierra power armor is a suit of T-45d power armor that has been modified by the NCR for its officers." (emphasis mine) The wiki description of the Scorched …
Power armor divisions or Rangers for NCR - Reddit
Is NCR enjoyable with power armor divisions or does it take too much time and resources to be worth it and NCR ranger are definitely the way to go ? If power armors are good, what is the …
Any way to not get attacked by the NCR while wearing …
Jan 20, 2021 · Hey all! In the game I have chosen to make truce between the Brotherhood and the NCR. And I thought this would be an awesome opportunity to wear the Power Armor that …